Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Adventures and the journey of a serial nomad pilgrim..
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Networks of transactionality
Networks of transactionality of feasible necessities
Full pictorial text- http://b.link/docs186
What we think ideally or utopian is moot to how we are bound in incidental feasibility to necessity.
Very much as the diagram above depicts, whatever juxtapositional position of fate in which we find ourselves determines the opportunities (or limitations) of what we could do with those proximal to us, literally in space, and figuratively, in a time-concurrence [restricting myself to vernacular jargon is killing me!-Ed.]. Our abstract aesthetics, meant more for our own artistic speculations or practical mental gymnastics to resolve an immediate issue are irrelevant for the moment to moment incidental practicalities in which we act.
I can think someone is an asshole or full of shit, and think-to-believe that any who has sympathy for those views repugnant to me are on an equivalent level. YET, short of seeing someone in attire that is that repugnant to me, plus they in a non-emergent situation, demonstrating abusive behavior to me, there would be the dimensions in which I would share my time and knowledge (How to field strip an AR-15) with them in situations of mutual need between us or some gratuitous altruistic act by me done proactively and solicited to render aid and assistance to them.
Of course, this mindset runs counter to the purposes used on this and other public discussion forums. AND TO BE HONEST, it's not beneath me to intentionally mental masturbate directly or indirectly on someone's sense of order and propriety with my expressions. At least I will be aware of my gratuitous micro and macro aggressions, than get into ego-armor when someone responds with what I see as an unjustified aggression to my exhibition of a primal rant..
To a better idea and vision of transactionality...
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at this link
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
A 'Tool of Opportunity' or a 'Tool of your own 'Art' '?
A 'Tool of Opportunity'
or a
'Tool of your own Art'?
In a retrospective , I thought of the opportunity I could have had (under other circumstances) in being part of a multi-cultural, trans-national network of business partner entrepreneurs who’d have been micro-start ups funding activities in our home countries businesses.
The “under other circumstances” is a big caveat, since my own tract had been structured for another agenda, leaving me in a different mindset too busy seeking its own autonomy, let alone some form of “liberation”. To what extent would such a mindset struggling in another agenda order have been able to have conceived that opportunity. History showed it was not feasible. Is that secular result one which could have had an alternative process of the mechanics? Or, was that state of personal capabilities part of what was part of a necessary and organic, self-rehabilitating emotional metamorphosis in which I was an unknowing actor? That metamorphosis was based on my own latent thoughts and intuitions of something other than the materially-based strivings that would not necessarily have helped the prior noted scenario.
That other perspective base was just planted by my arrival on campus away from the direct influence of my home and hometown environment. The process of autonomy and what would be its purpose and meaning for me had just begun to gestate by the fertilization of my inserted entrance to the campus organic life.
As I look back through the years, getting rid of the intellectual exoskeleton of others aspirational paradigms for me would take another two-and-a-half decades more, so that the needed emotional inventory would have the space for me to be aware of the imperative to commence that inventory. Even with that, for two-and-a-half more decades hences I am still sorting through and reorganizing my emotional resources for other logistical ends other than I had previously thought and believed to be their purpose.
So, though it would’ve have been grand to have been that instrument of secular effectuation back fifty-plus years ago,
the utilization for that instrumentation would have been, it appears, a coincidental serendipity of a distributional process of minimizing
frugality, than from the excesses and successes of wealth, as had been expectations of others agenda.
Because my (and probably each of our) psyche has its own process, which was alluded to in
the 18th chapter and 47th verse of
the Bhagavad Gita
That righteous duty is the practice of the art of being ‘the ethical expression of the soul’. That expression comes from the empirical experience and the intuitive insights from the trained and practiced, intangible lessons of the empirical experience. For that to occur, the individual needs to be given a cognitive space of autonomy, so that they can discover and practice the talents that they have-their ’art’. In that autonomy of cognitive space, the individual’s mind is no longer at the indoctrinated or obliged service of others, but to the feasible and ethical potentialities that that space-in-time of cognitive autonomy allows them to have. The ‘art’, which is derived from that space of cognitive autonomy, is the mind’s extension of itself for itself into the physical dimension of practice from the metaphysical of the hypothetical. That art, being the ‘expression of the soul’, is the closest thing to the (or we becoming the animistic) extension of our cosmic origins.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Living the work of your passions
soul and sharpening its cognitive articulation of that expression into
a more nuanced skill set from the consistent and persistent practice
of it. Without such work your life becomes the mechanical instrument
of others passion than your own, and that does little intangible benefit
for you as alluded to in the Bhagavad Gita verse 47 in Chapter 18:
of place and time as you approach the margins of temporal tolerance
you’d be willing to challenge, ala John Wayne Gacy or Jeffrey Dahmer.
Away from those marginal extremes there is a latitude of expression that
can and should be cultivated and nurturing of those inspiring and
motivating stimuli of incidental awareness in one’s routine operations.
is accomplished with the combined interaction of the artistic, aesthetic
inspiration utilization of the mechanical talents in achieving a tangible
Monday, January 7, 2019
‘Being the 'Expression of your Soul'...
‘Being the 'Expression of your Soul'...
Audio link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmK59Wp9cZ0RqkKffDYOwhsTLZ2R
(http://paypal.me/j2e595 )
Saturday, January 5, 2019
Where they never bothered to look
Video link-
It is the conduit to dimensions of experience that support your base
physical sustenance and maintenance. Those experiences put in
perspective the priority of your cognitive focus. In that focus are the
portals of potential for you.
Those portals will first disengage you from the womb of this material
existence and have you in a transactional mode with the moment.
In the moment is the phenomena for your logos of learning
"Knowledge" is but a fungible data point tool-a connector from moment
to moment in the innumerable nexi of timeless space. That timeless space
is innumerable parallel realities, connected in a multi-dimensional web
of an indefinite number of experiences.
What you'll learn in your perceptions of those experiences will be the
transactional, transitory nature of who and what you can be as you
traverse the sensory notations of your mind. It will be the avatar identities
of affinity to you
literally inspire and motivate you to an emotional empowerment of
alternative, juxtapositions of identity with yourself and the perceived
These manic changes in your disposition will further contrast,
distinguish, and deconstruct you from the past habits of your acculturation
and training. With this will be not only your asocial profile with others,
but a concurrent embracing of the avatar narratives
You will come to be more appreciative of the extrapolative metaphors
you've found in the timeless symbols in the space of Time.
In Time's web of nexi, you are part of a transmissions of signaling energy
out to the other dimensional nexi of that web. Plus, you're part of a
creational-even re-creational- process of transcendent, emotional
metamorphosis from prior states of perspective.
(dream) thoughts of intensity you affect your own and others mindsets about
their own potential and possibilities for a more fulfilling, efficient, and
elegant focus for their carnal operations besides the hoarding and control
for a primarily self-serving exclusivity. It will be the sharing of not only
tangible tools, but the intangible abstractions transmitted non-verbally,
plus emotionally, reaching others indirectly in remote locales to your
In so doing, you will be providing the serendipity of fortuitous insights by
others for the mental tools for the more efficient and elegant expression
of space, altruistically for the holistic benefit of future facilitating fortuities.
All this in contrast to the literal, deadening weight, tangibly on
burdens that will tangibly manifest on the web structure and function for its
optimal arrangement.
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