Saturday, January 5, 2019

Where they never bothered to look

Where they never bothered to look
Video link-!AmK59Wp9cZ0RqkEnLQ5yuOEGnSA8
The only possession that matters is that of your mind energy.
It is the conduit to dimensions of experience that support your base 
physical sustenance and maintenance. Those experiences put in 
perspective the priority of your cognitive focus. In that focus are the 
portals of potential for you.

Those portals will first disengage you from the womb of this material 
existence and have you in a transactional mode with the moment. 
In the moment is the phenomena for your logos of learning
"Knowledge" is but a fungible data point tool-a connector from moment 
to moment in the innumerable nexi of timeless space. That timeless space 
is innumerable parallel realities, connected in a multi-dimensional web 
of an indefinite number of experiences.

What you'll learn in your perceptions of  those experiences will be the 
transactional, transitory nature of who and what you can be as you 
traverse the sensory notations of  your mind. It will be the avatar identities 
of affinity to  you that will 
literally inspire and motivate you to an emotional empowerment of 
alternative, juxtapositions of identity with yourself and the perceived 

These manic changes in your disposition will further contrast, 
distinguish, and deconstruct you from the past habits of your acculturation 
and training.  With this will be not only your asocial profile with others, 
but a concurrent embracing of the avatar narratives 
  for your increasingly focused mindset. 
You will come to be more appreciative of the extrapolative metaphors 
you've found in the timeless symbols in the space of Time.
In Time's web of nexi, you are part of a transmissions of signaling energy 
out to the other dimensional nexi of that web. Plus, you're part of a 
creational-even re-creational- process of transcendent, emotional 
metamorphosis from prior states of perspective.

By your conscious and subconscious 
(dream) thoughts of intensity you affect your own and others mindsets about 
their own potential and possibilities for a more fulfilling, efficient, and 
elegant focus for  their carnal operations besides the hoarding and control 
for a primarily self-serving exclusivity. It will be the sharing of not only 
tangible tools, but the intangible abstractions transmitted non-verbally, 
plus emotionally, reaching others indirectly in remote locales to your 

In so doing, you will be providing the serendipity of fortuitous insights by 
others for the mental tools for the more efficient and elegant expression 
of space, altruistically for the holistic benefit of future facilitating fortuities. 
All this in contrast to the literal, deadening weight, tangibly on 
yourself, as well as the intangible 
burdens that will tangibly manifest on the web structure and function for its 
optimal arrangement.

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