Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Serendipitous, Animistic, Logos Muse

Serendipitous, Animistic, Logos Muse

As part of being in the Logos web of existence, at our disposal, if we care to be aware enough, there is a continual feed of phenomena to advance the threads of knowledge that enlightenly inform us of the optional dimensions that we may visit. It IS the 'Matrix', the 'Illuminati' of legend; but it is an intangible molder and forger, incidentally, of our cognizance.

It allows and passively enables us to determine the level of our being-caste of operations. Unless we see beyond the logic probabilities within the caste, we have assigned ourselves to the variables and the relationships of those variables.

There is a caste of logic that apprehends and comprehends the mechanisms of the Logos. In that apprehensions and comprehension one becomes intuitively cohesive with the Muse of Time. As if one was within the function series of a formula, your intuitive deducements  exist in the parameters of the musaic protocol of formulaic rectitude to an extent similar to mystical grace. You acquire a fortuity of lucky providence that challenges probabilistic credibility.


The alchemy of Time and Space being your tool than your temporal and corporeal confinement. When you are at the comprehension that the sensory realm is primarily the logistical base from which you gain the nutrients of energy for those conscious and involuntary visitations to different realms of perspective about both yourself and existence, you becomes more efficient, elegant, and sublime organiser of your thinking, actions in space and time to be that force of elemental nature, who, though you appear to determine causation, you are the compliant conduit of Nature.

Friday, August 25, 2017

The Cultural Thucydidean Trap

The Cultural Thucydidean Trap

Harvard political scientist and professor Graham Allison identified a scenario he calls the Thucydides Trap. Basically, the Thucydides Trap says that as a rising power challenges the dominance of an established power, that dominant power is likely to respond with violence. It's a model for predicting when warfare is likely between two nations, but also a way to propose alternative solutions meant to prevent warfare. After all, the whole point of identifying a trap is to avoid it.

What is being described, presently, for the status between the U.S. and China, has a more domestic political application, presently, with the decreasing white-conscious demographic and the ethnic-consciousness of non-white identifiers (and much like the transgender issue of identity, you don’t have to be white or non-white pigmented to have the cultural sympathies and affinities for either).

What was classically regarded as ‘White America’-middle class, the suburbs, upwardly mobile, white picket-fence, and Mom’s Apple-pie religious and cultural orientation-is economically, as well as demographically under siege by the rise of non-white cultures of different enough cultural values from the classic cultural values to be considered, at the least, a competitive heterodox narrative from the earlier cultural narratives. This has shown itself in the Trump electoral strategy, plus the present contentions over Confederate war monuments.

There will be violence by the more militant margins of each demographic. On the whole, the generational population fluctuation increases and decreases-with the intercultural and inter-racial crossovers, will be the technical determiner of the cultural narrative and mores, than any present dogma from any part of either demographic spectrum.

((PS: for ‘Tony’-There is a discernible difference between a transcendent act being honored and revered to an action based within the temporal context of the period)
[Concerning a Confederate trooper at Fredericksburg: He went out into no-mans land to give humanitarian relief of water to both Union and Confederate dying and wounded on the battlefield, while not being under a flag of truce, which could only be arranged by the commanding officer of the area. For his actions a monument has been erected near that site in Fredericksburg in honor of 'The Angel...", who did this transcendent humanitarian action])               

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Expressions of my Muse - m4w (Tidewater) - Classified Ad

Convocation of the Conjuring

Serendipities for the self-Affirmed Soul

Serendipities for the self-Affirmed Soul

I submit that the self-affirmed soul exists in concurrence with the sentient pulse of the Elemental Order. In having that relationship to that genesis status, one transcends one’s temporal identification for being an inherent expression (and the serendipitous articulation) of the focused intensity which came from energy into matter. In one’s latter-present reincarnated expression, the coincidences that have influenced one’s perception so to bestow upon the intangible essence we call the sentient soul of our gut-feeling its predominance in the determinative guidance for our aesthetic predisposition and our operational ethics is a unique forging of chance encounterings and the credence given to the phenomenal content of those encounters. The aggregation of that credence over time gives a latitude of validity to the soul and the factors associated with its dominion on what we consciously assert as our moral touchstones. It is more-than-training-or-discipline, but an irresistible compulsion derived from the collective experience which builds into the doxology for the soul’s pre-eminence as the transcendent identity to our social-secular roles. In this identity we find the audacity of iconoclastic differentiation from the currents of social conventions and their proscriptions for who and what we can and should be in our temporal status. In this self-conscious awareness of our freedom to be derives the jealously possessive fearness not to relinquish this substance to any principality or power, which themselves are only presumptive usurpers for the graces of the soul

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Grant-Loan-Lottery Club

Grant-Loan-Lottery Club

Persons wanting to receive grants or loans would have to be $5-USD (foreign members whose currency exchange rate is less-than the USD would be provided a table of rates for their discounted membership payments due to the extreme currency exchange ratio with the USD) per month members at the time of their grants or loans. The membership payments and loan repayments would go into a general pool from which x% would be an online-lottery jackpot to one of the participating members.

Entry for the lottery would be $1-USD [no exceptions, but a pooled-purchase ticket to a designated fiduciary agent would be allowed] and they would receive a 9-digit alpha-numeric code as their entry receipt. On a regular designated day of the month a video online drawing would be made on the link provided on the receipt ticket. The 9-digit alpha-numeric code numbers would be  cataloged in a listing, from which a number would be drawn and chosen from a container containing the range of numeric and alpha digits in the listing. Since we have a POC for the purchaser of each entry on the listing, we would know from a sort-search, who the winner is and how to transmit money to them by any of the means they give us for that transmission.

This grant-loan-lottery club would provide its membership with funds for their needs and a random monthly bonus for some luckier-than-good member.

Persons having an interest in this enterprise or desiring to offer feedback on this idea should contact this OP