Sunday, August 20, 2017

Serendipities for the self-Affirmed Soul

Serendipities for the self-Affirmed Soul

I submit that the self-affirmed soul exists in concurrence with the sentient pulse of the Elemental Order. In having that relationship to that genesis status, one transcends one’s temporal identification for being an inherent expression (and the serendipitous articulation) of the focused intensity which came from energy into matter. In one’s latter-present reincarnated expression, the coincidences that have influenced one’s perception so to bestow upon the intangible essence we call the sentient soul of our gut-feeling its predominance in the determinative guidance for our aesthetic predisposition and our operational ethics is a unique forging of chance encounterings and the credence given to the phenomenal content of those encounters. The aggregation of that credence over time gives a latitude of validity to the soul and the factors associated with its dominion on what we consciously assert as our moral touchstones. It is more-than-training-or-discipline, but an irresistible compulsion derived from the collective experience which builds into the doxology for the soul’s pre-eminence as the transcendent identity to our social-secular roles. In this identity we find the audacity of iconoclastic differentiation from the currents of social conventions and their proscriptions for who and what we can and should be in our temporal status. In this self-conscious awareness of our freedom to be derives the jealously possessive fearness not to relinquish this substance to any principality or power, which themselves are only presumptive usurpers for the graces of the soul

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