Tuesday, October 31, 2017

We humans as conductors, primarily, in a cosmic network

We humans as conductors, primarily, in a cosmic network

One way to view the male and female libidos other than their  procreative-mating functions is to consider the intra-specie and the supra-terrestrial, paranormal signals, which are generated by the aroused, excited human creatures. Whether by ‘romance’, by abstract, objectifying, covetous lusts, or it’s siblings-masturbation,  substance abuse highs, or other esoteric means, we are sending to and receiving signals from the environment, with the object of our  attention, as well as into the ambient ether surrounding us.

Each of the aforementioned at their most acute intensity are so single-minded in obsessive preoccupation that they have achieved a near-state of clear-mindedness, sans the object of their emotional energy. In that state of mind of minimal (even with the obsessive) distractions, if they achieved a physiological  catharsis (climax), their minds will have and ECT-effect . In that affected state, the person becomes ‘open-minded’ to signals, which normally would be drowned-out in the deluge of social and environmental noise within and outside the person.

Those signals are part of the vibrations that have their source from the origins of this universe-(the Big Bang) . Those origin signals and their vibrations are the predicate for how all matter and energy has been organized. Much similar to our body’s stem-cells, those signals are the raw energy pulses of the default template for our existence. Just having a subconscious, receptive, connection with those signals allows our body’s cognizance to recalibrate itself from the social-environmental noise din of temporality. As we make this connection, we enter into its telemetry on our out-going energy signal-vibrations. Its signals establish a beachhead in our subconscious sensory receptors which transmit their interlocution of those signals to our conscious associating processing faculties.

With that we become part of the stem-signal web network- our  synaptic, original and default neural home-base. In that web network  we are exposed to the transmitted radiations uploaded from other cosmic sources. In essence, we have our ‘library card’ to the vibrations of all eternity. Unlike the narrow focus of our local provincial dramas of our carnality-mentioned in the first paragraph-we learn that by reaching that post-cathartic, mind-cleared state, it gives us entrance into the cosmic vibrational streams of energy not beholding to physic-consequences of  the terrestrial realm.

This begs the question, “Is our carnal state just a logistical support base for these cosmic stem-signals?”  As a previously affected subject to this connection, I found both coincidentally and incidentally that at these levels of intense, energy excitation and arousal there are collateral atmospherics, unrelated to my conscious or kinetic intent, yet serendipitous to synchronistic to my existential-holistic well-being and expansive upon my formerly more narrow perspective of my probable material options.

It is more a holistic, global reorientation than being part of a fortuitous tactical advantage of expedience. This network existing as a pipeline conduit to and through you makes you a relay. An interesting aspect is that the female, because of her anatomy and physiology is the most likely node for the nexi of human connection. As that node she, the female, in contradiction to many of the cultural and social conditions in this paternalistic structured world, can be the figurative and literal ‘handler’ as the catalyst-facilitator for these states of climatic, excited. visceral-to-neural energy agitation.

Digressing a bit for an explanation of the female role transformation: as the pilloried sexual objectification of women which spawns the  unwelcomed male predations on women has been pointed out, the projection of physical female attractiveness is a primal trigger for the less, libido-repressed or restrained male. This condition runs counter to the tasks designed for the gender-neutral roles of the technological, post-industrial, post-modern cultures. Any Freudian analysis of the ways of bonding between a woman with either the MALE or female child would point out the behavior modeling imprinted in the woman-to-future male or future female in the exchanges of providing bodily satisfaction. That satisfying becomes a reinforced habit in the infancy-toddler ages that becomes a behavioral trigger for the more matured male or female person.
Despite the temporal social paradigms, the cultural roles of the more profound visceral interaction are more than latent appendages of the past. They are still emotional dynamics needing personal, as well as social, management.

One option for management would be to end the taboos on aggressive libidinous behavior on WOMEN. In the Yin-Yang world of male-female dynamics, the female is depicted and portrayed as the passive reactor than being the initiating aggressor. As societies have moved to more gender neutral roles, the passive reactor has taken more passive-aggressive postures, when not outright assertive about her libidinous preferences. The eruption of vocalized protest and outing of male sexual abuse and harassment is signalling a long-overdue upgrade from the former passive-aggressive responses. This change should be supplemented with the ability not only to initiate and assert the terms of engagement, but to assume a matriarchal regnum for being the determiner of the progenesis of the human species. They would choose the men to be consorts for being the potential breeding mates.

This would turn the whole ritual of male and female relations on its head. This would be liberating, also,  for those men NOT delegated for the consort-mating role, because they would be aware from post-pubescence  of the alternative latitudes of ‘liberties’ they would have in not trying to be the peacock-of-desire in finding their social role. Auto-eroticism and regulated escort-prostitution, along with the more tolerated views on homo-eroticism would exist. The non-delegated consort mates would have the greater opportunity and chance, other than those in acutely intense consort-mating relations, to exceed the latitudes of sensory excitation; because there’d be only the limits of their auto-homo erotic imaginations or  the serendipity of a symbiotic to synergistic commercial escort.

For both the initiating matriarch female or the non-selected male, they both are at liberty to explore and reach that climactic satiation which enables them to reach that level of energy to be in the energy shell of the cosmic-stem signals. Thus, they bring more of  the mass of humanity to these upper potentialities of kinetic motivation and mental insights and inspirations. The former dramas of the repressed or passive aggressive female and the hyper-aggressive male environment go away as the objectifying posturing and gestures fall away for the female-centered node of matriarchal initiation for social relationships. Those relationships promote the connection to the cosmic stem network, as well as having the cohort of non-selected males whose libidinousness finds new liberty in auto-homo erotic, and commercially regulated symbiotic and synergistic, ‘escort’ personal services.

Instead of the distracting and dissipating energy spectacles meant to ultimately provide a comparable distinguishment between people, there is a universal symbiotic and synergistic series of formal and informal, cooperative relations for which a mutuality of exchange is the end-game. Those cooperative relations raise the energy vitality of the individuals to get them connected to the cosmic stem energy source. At that source level in the network with the ‘library card’ energy connection, our identity becomes the relayed source of energy coded from the telemetry between-from we, the extensions, to the source.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

The shortcomings of the cultural, let alone academic, pedagogy

The shortcomings of the cultural, let alone academic, pedagogy
Also at: https://www.patreon.com/posts/15105546  

For the sake of clarity:
Pedagogy-the means by which knowledge is transferred
Academic pedagogy-the formalized institutional methods of knowledge transference
Cultural pedagogy-the intra and cross generational means of passing on social mores and its component knowledge

A more important point is whether our education systems are teaching us just more sophisticated ways of 'moving the deck chair seating-priorities on the Titanic' , instead of questioning the meaning and purpose for the 'Titanic' and its alternate utility and legacy. Where education is not accentuated because of voluntary and involuntary circumstances, then the skills sought for having some substance and security degrade away from the individual and onto other agencies of support-human and otherwise. Education, being the indoctrinated acculturation, at the least, of individual's to the present social paradigm becomes a two-edged sword of is it the the egg (the cultural pedagogy system) or the chicken (the recipient, aka student) who is defective? Or is the education a reflection of a historical social order for which the results are intended for the present status quo- for better or worse? Does that social order reach an inflexible inertia moving towards entropy: ‘Entropy-a system that reaches its maximum point for its algorithmic design (mostly unintended), and goes into increasing inefficiencies of results into its inevitable decline..’.  

One of the present shortcomings of the educational system is that it's done for the sake of the statistical measure on the administration and the faculty, than as a diagnostic aid for the potential learner .. So curves are implemented to raise grades to the bureaucratic standard, leaving the child with a hollow miseducation and a ‘participation-trophy' as a certificate

Seeing that Nature has its own geologic renewal and deterioration cycles for the perennial seasons to geologic time, which before humanistic dominance was working pretty well for several billion years, are the cycles of rise and decline a human the blind spot in its social order construct ?
As a Math-phile, I learned that the process, NOT THE ANSWER-per se, was the meaningfulness of the drill. Seeing the architecture of the gauntlets of logic one has to traverse to come to a definable end is the training than any of the superficialities and atmospherics of that architecture's discovery. Cognitive tools developed from prior experiences (aka, social background) effect the apprehension of other tools. Speaking as one AA-person of the 50's and 60's, plus w/contacts w/kids from working class to upwardly mobile and affluent households; where there was some form of intangible organized focus in routine, the willing child was able to comprehend the logic (aka 'cultural skewed bias') more intuitively than those for whom process of organization in routine was more random and not as important as the utility of the result
What of the opinions of the suitability of math and science courses as perpetuating white privilege? The uses to which math studies are directed has a naturally winnowing set of qualifications for their end use, for which only a certain percentage of the population would have an aesthetic or a facility to pursue. Yet there are aspects of math, whose applications branch into the arts-visual, auditory, tactile-that could be taught. The author of the article would need to be a pioneer in the alternative methods of understanding math applications, than be making a pointless critique on the aspect being taught for its present ends.

IQ is the result of (non)learned habitual cognitive responses. If it is the result of  a person who has an impediment, short of a diagnostic medical one, that will affect their level of learning, whatever emotional handicap, be it their immaturity or the 'lessons' they do and can grasp for utilitarian expediency-as well as the many intangibles mentioned- will determine if a person decides to make a living at the Highway Interchanges, panhandling for hand to mouth OR have the learned organization and discipline to follow a regimen they are familiar with for a greater achievement..

It's MORE THAN just WILL, but the trainings to be familiar with what one's applied will can achieve. As others have noted,".. enabl[ing]e one to make valuable contributions to a modern civilization with[in] a computerized economy." makes my argument about education being a fabricated product and result of an arbitrary (social) condition.. Some are better conditioned by contemporaneous social circumstances to do such.. Change the circumstances, you change the result

Knowing kids who've had little to no exposure to numbers besides money-change given them, there is a disadvantage to kids in two ways 1) they have probably been passed-on because their test grades, not their full comprehension of the subject matter was competent. (I took Math Fusion over in summer school after 9th grade because the teacher just pushed the material too fast for me to comprehend-obtw, I got 90+ in summer school). 2) teaching to the test skips the minutiae details that are essential for the less familiar/skilled students.

Learning, as you may know, is based on the proficiency with which you are familiar with precursor tools by which the knowledge foundation is built. If, there are reasons other than a lack of will for the absence of those foundational tool proficiency. An opinion writer, who has a beef with the pedagogy, which could very well be outdated for the demographic she must teach at the prescribed standards didn't take account for previous possible deficiencies, but only account for the median knowledge which previous lapses, including the two I mentioned here and earlier (sensory reception noise and the general social conditions) have not been accounted. My high school chemistry teacher was superb at humanizing the developments of the paradigms and protocols of chemistry. Those characterizations were the hook by which I distinguished for learning the different chemical concepts and processes-earning me a 96 on the final exam. The PROCESS was the focus and the persons were coincidental beneficiaries of that initial serendipity of the PROCESS.

As for the family environment: 'De facto parents', parents by adverse circumstances (not the traditional courtship by way of PLANNED and ORGANIZED-but what is part of the spontaneous social milieu). You know, as I know: How many times is something that's spontaneous-on trivial things-ever becomes a long term benefit? Thus, with environments that enable such random spontaneity... there ya go! Concerning "...a little thought and a lot of caring." What non-didactic, not formally taught, fertile and horny guy or gal (take a look around at the titillations in our present media environment!!) at 13-17 years is going to be thinking or caring about what happens after the burning urge has been satisfied? What teen ager or school drop-out (excluding Steve Jobs, etc) has the skills, let alone moxy to make it in this economy or just have the access to reliable knowledge for good guidance and advice? It is a vicious cycle of a lack of skills compounded by the consequences of the lack of skills (Learned!)

What about when the 'parents' are barely out of their adolescence ? OR when parents are the extensions of their vocational or detentional economic absence, with the kids being latchkey agents of self-parenting?  The parents, beyond the nominal names on a birth certificate: if the 'parent' is unprepared to be a parent, then there is no such thing as the 'parenting' to talk about. That lack of preparation can come from immaturity, involuntary circumstances (not medical) and medical circumstances... There is a context beyond the individuals-for most conscientious persons where those few classic cases of negligence exist that is conscious negligence.   

Another way of viewing intelligence: How well would a high IQ or 700+ SAT/ACT person do in the street-life.. A whole different set of skills and knowledge.. With luck and a good mentor, their native skills could get them by. Without such social support, they be as lost as a kid who hasn't read more than one book per year prior to 1st grade.
Only those so insecure to prove their superiority or deflect any projections of inferiority digress or divert the point of the PROCESS to such secondary trivialities of ethnic ownership, as far as discussion of IQ is concerned.

This is good a place to posit this theorem on intelligence,civilization and their rise and fall as it applies to 'education'

Why is it that those advanced (LITERATE, MATHEMATICALLY ADVANCED) 'civilizations' declined-from the Babylonian-Egyptian-Greek/Persian-Roman (and now Western Civ.). Most theories put the onus on the degeneration (entropy?) of the ruling class and the expansion of an increasingly ungovernable illiterate class. I think this theory takes a tangential slice of the entire picture. Since the wonders of those civilizations had to have been done by insightful minds (sans alien help).  Then why did those cultures whose mental capacities allowed them to reach the ability to have those achievements deteriorate?

My conclusion is that from the first inspirational insight, the actor had a cleared mental-emotional field for the processing of associated connections to come to their 'Eureka!'-moment. As these person with that serendipity had also the status or patronage to leverage these fundamental insights of development, they were able to train others who to a lesser, the same, or greater degree, depending on the mental and space they were PRIVILEGED to acquire, achieved a comparable positions of influence within their cultural group. The more advanced and nuanced the training, the need for institutions and the criteria for entry into those institutions. As has been noted elsewhere, earlier phases had the demographic space and utility for the new initiates. At the same time, those who had apprehended or achieved at a lesser level found whatever compensatory 'rewards' in the mental and emotional derivations from that level; creating a de facto caste for themselves.

A guy has a book out with a theorem that at a certain point of being self-consciously 'knowledgeable', people decide that further knowledge is not necessary, since they have been certified by past grades, certificates, etc.. As those heterodoxies for different mental and emotional contentment of their ambience became more distinct from the those with a more focused mental and less diffuse emotional attentiveness to the by-products of the original 'Eureka!' insight, there becomes a supportive and consuming classes of cohorts along this line of separation. Those operating with a more cleared mental and emotional sensory field in contrast to those who actively sought or were involuntarily exposed to a more cluttered mental and distractive emotional field as part of their normal routine, branch off to a different level of cognitive perception.

I suspect that at the apogee of this kind of development there were those few with the privilege of space and time, probably patronaged, if not supported by the authorities as their logistical-financial support, to have the access to the training and development of skills wanted by those in control-politically, economically, and culturally. All the rest of the populations served in a minor support capacity to the political-economic-cultural patrons. 'The rest', without some fortuity of circumstance became more disposable as tangible commodities and devalued as intangible beings. As long as 'the rest' had some modicum of material and emotional security, they were quite smugly content with their level of self-reflection that dealt with the heterodoxies of thought and feeling for their aesthetic castes.

When the means to acquire the benefits of 'the good life' became more narrow and seemingly rationed to those at the top of the official and informal patronage hierarchy, and those means for acquisition became so nuanced in their technical skills; then those who were on the ancillary branches of the patronage support, plus those totally outside that support system, became expendable to a corruptible mental and emotional degree-further degrading the character of the holistic whole.  At this point those of the Eureka!-class mindset were no longer one of the people adding to the general knowledge and well-being of the clan or tribe, but had become the instruments for their patrons' privileged position and wants. Thus 'knowledge' had become the prostitute of need, than the offspring of inquiry. Schools of thought, from formal institutions to populist cults had their own operational code.. That code was for whatever level of compensatory satiation, NOT the well-being of the whole, which had outgrown its functional capacity to be of general use to the whole, but, primarily, to the predisposed or fortunate few of status or condition. The rest of the populace's mental and emotional space was preoccupied with mostly the tactics and few strategies for finding and getting whatever for their near-term horizons-NOT the original free,uncluttered, and abstracted-minded individual of the original 'Eureka!'.

With the degradation of a general, public, academic pedagogy that could be utilized by a diversity of the mental and emotional heterodoxies of short-term thinking (6-mos to 5 years), let alone the hand-to-mouth level existence of the most marginal; there became not only the lack of coherence, but the lack of adherence to any commonality of society, and increasingly less for the pillars of social order for that society.

Civilizations, as we speak of them as the humanistic achievement of sophisticated intelligence, could very well be more like the tip of the iceberg above water, while beneath the surface are (to mix metaphors) the evidence of the dysfunctionally of the limited potential of the distribution of shared, disseminated, knowledge. From that lack of addressing those not privileged to be existing in a sensory zone of minimal mental and emotional noise, the 'iceberg' has been weighing itself down, by not having a varied and versatile enough numbers of uplifting channels of educational means to allow the flow of thought to be assimilated throughout its body to the various branches which support its apex above the surface (of comfort).

'Intelligence' is, mostly, the acculturation and training for the skills desired for the socio-economic system, and the advantage would go to those who have or find access to the tools for those skills; circling back to the acculturation and training."

The technological civilization, which has dominated the world until this postmodern era, required a different set of cognitive skills that were derived from the needed and inspired tools developed from necessity and off-shoots of necessity. That other peoples didn't acquire or use (the Chinese with gunpowder) these tools in the way the technological (finding adaptations for accomplishing of tasks not provided by nature) oriented societies had is talking about two types of intelligences, as you now see documentaries of people from technological societies going to 'the bush' to find nature based medicines of the non-technological, so-called primitive peoples.

There's a Charlie Rose (charlierose.com) interview w/Tom Friedman of the NYTimes. The interview focused on the reactionary, near-term cathartic reaction in present day (Trumpian) US policy that are related to the 'Win'-results than the affected processes for that resulting 'win'. The mental disposition for having or being given something w/o the fore-actions of an organized, methodical discipline run parallel with lack of 'academic achievement'. Without the social disciplines of organization, the mental perceptions and general cognizance of the phenomena would be densely obtuse and obscure, if not entirely unknown.

This interview provides an allegory and an analogy to what happens when by social conditions, individuals (Trump) or groups have been conditioned by their historical environment to take a mental perspective that is within their accumulated skill set of operational tools. Their behavior (exhibited intelligence) can be tied to past social influences and conditions that have enabled their responses. Trump, for all his material advantages, acts in affirmative hubris as a person beyond the natural physics of consequences on which others of the 'Bell Curve' would be subject. Though Trump may view his Presidency as a validation of his 'intelligence' it is a train-wreck amplification of recklessness (with authority). Put this in a micro-context with 'sub-intelligent' groups and you have the same, possibly more short-term reckonings of adverse consequences that we are serial-viewing with the Trump regime.

This link is a relevant piece done on PBS Newshour tonight https://www.pbs.org/newshour/econom...e-american-dream-may-depend-on-where-you-live. How one’s surrounding environment influences the horizons of one’s way of perceiving potential phenomena

Take-away: Intelligence is not a signifier of any genetic superiority, as it is the efficiency of the use of whatever level of resource tools one has gained in their interactions with their social environment. An example: If any two pair have the same 'pedigree' of background along with similar training I would expect at the worst a 60/40-40/60 series of results. When there is a wide discrepancy and social-historical forces are not included in the analysis, then the data for reaching what would be a genetic deduction would be faulty.

The pedagogy that has driven education allows for the tolerance of learning castes by the reliance for learning on a state of mind for which sensory noise disturbance needs to be at a minimum. But the modern social order has an over-saturation of environmental sensory noise for the general populace, leaving a wide swath, particularly with historically marginal groups, denied assimilation and acculturation to the tools of learning for economic competence and sustenance. Those groups are left to fabricate their own paradigms of learning, creating dysfunctions to social adhesion and coherence that lead to dystopian and nihilist groups as a consequence of those reactive, organic heterodox alternatives in those subsets from the more detached and insular pedagogical status quo.


Friday, October 27, 2017

When serendipity and synchronicity runs counter to your plans and acculturated paradigms

When serendipity and synchronicity runs counter to your plans and acculturated paradigms
(Inferential intuitional paradigm imposition)
[also at: https://www.patreon.com/posts/15078312]

There are those moments when the most unlikely circumstances present a portal of opportunity not conceived or formerly desired, but nonetheless are the most coherent path forward for your practical, if not aesthetic means. This is the action of serendipity contradicting your own carnal expectations and designs for an inferential intuitive resolution. Our will is NOT the prime source of for our efficacy, but the engine of the action for the efficacy.

We are puppets on Time’s grand stage play. Just like chess pieces on a 3-dimensional board, we are moved around in time and space where needed to provide some ‘eternal’ justified equity opportunities for ourselves or for others. In a certain sense, IT could be said that Trump was given the keys to our national destiny to do either an altruistic good or the ever-damnable self-seeking aggrandizement of his former nature.

We all have choices, but does the momentum of our predispositions allow us the emotional, navigational maneuverability to change the course of our ways [“Quo Vadis”]? As we are emotionally hurtled through time and distances of life, there are these moments when we find that our life is not the arbitrary domain of our predispositions and biases, but is the instrument brought out of the fires of character forging to be the instrument for a purpose we may never have anticipated as we experienced the menu of qualities of possibility for our being in preparation for this serendipitous imposition.

To avoid and deny this implicit fortuity would be the height of hubris that ‘trumps’ all other faux pas’s of our past. It is the refusal for having the help of grace and to be left to the merciless logic of the natural physics of the consequences. We would be denying that there are no dimensions beyond the ones of our carnal senses. At the same time we’d be defining the means of our own mortality.

Serendipity and synchronicity are Eternity’s instrument of gratuitousness into the physics of our life’s consequences.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Paths of the Realized

Paths of the Realized

Whether it is by a cleared, undistracted, cognitive field as a cosmic receptor, or being a reincarnation of immortal consciousness, YOU are and have been the collector of random bits and pieces of signals, whose aggregation to your awareness overtime has given you the outline of  persona imperative that is your present karmic path. Through time and different locales, you have been subconsciously on a treasure hunt for the jigsaw pieces which compose your purpose, duty, and identity.

Depending on the circumstances of your present genesis arrival, you have been able to appreciate certain phenomena-both tangible and intangible-that have been the crucial supplements to your carnal and temporal state of self-knowledge. These supplements which you have taken noticed and incorporated into your operational personality provide the life lessons (or energy augmentations) to assist you in having a coherent understanding of your accepted or chosen level of existence. These levels of existence set the stage for future incarnational foundations (or energy level focus, intensity, and amplifications). These are the context of your existence for you to experience, so you will know and possibly learn for this (or later) existences. In this existence the coherent focused energy from uncluttered, sensory-cognitive fields allows for the figurative and literal, open-minded acceptance of greater physical and mental energy which precipitates insights and conceptions from the effects of the greater affecting energy influx on the state of your being. If you’re predisposed to think in terms of reincarnated destiny, the metaphors of the increased energy are the strong resonating experiences of affinity and attraction which have directed your motivation and resolve to act in this existence.

A narrative is perceived to be forming-no matter which experience paradigm to which you prescribe your state-and that narrative describes an orientative context for the reasons you end up doing what you have done and will do. Within that context are the experiential events that affect your aesthetic choices, plus allow for the appreciation of new perspectives and a cognizance of things that give an added dimension to the parameters of the horizons of your identity. This will be a transcending change to you seeing yourself as a relay receiver of signals connected to you by your telemetry signals being received by ‘the source’,and giving you a response to your more cleared and undistracted conscious mind and subconscious processor. Depending on your emotional baggage, which is the main source of your cognitive noise interference, You will be aware of insights and discern events, which connect to a meaningful interpretation and understanding of yourself and the forces from which those insight and events derive.

From the interpretations and understandings of the forces seemingly responsible for the events of revelatory notice to you, there will be a clearer vision of your path and the architecture of consciousness that drives yours and other persons paths. In the comprehension of this consciousness architecture you will learn the reason for many of the verses of ethics and morality of the texts of antiquity, of alchemy, and of the occult. You will see yourself and others as branch limbs and twigs of a metaphysical organism we call existence. This organism is a network of channels and tributaries similar to our vascular system emanating from a pulsing signal source for the entire of existence. The more connected you are to the tributaries, or, best of all, the main channel you will have the vitalizing body, soul, and mind amplification of energized sensations that will be the catalysts for your transcendent mental, metamorphosis from being a carnally-obsessed, temporal cog of the physics of historical time to being an entity similar to the timeless signalling pulse that enervates us all.


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Egoless Submission of Serendipity-n-Synchronicity

Egoless Submission of Serendipity-n-Synchronicity

It’s been written and said from religious and spiritual texts that to ‘find one’s self’ one should relinquish any ego aspirations. Whether or not one believes in a dominion of a supernatural, anthropomorphic presence,  ‘Serendipity- n-Synchronicity’ (S-n-S) is that phenomenon that provides the impetus to go with the imperatives of the moment besides your elective or perceived needs. Because ‘S-n-S’ is that profound compelling event for which submission to its substance and qualities is just a too go(o)d an offer to refuse.

‘S-n-S’ is the portal-to-escape hatch of the gratuitousness of the moment to you; very much like the beneficence of ‘the Lord’,as mentioned in the link above. What the ‘S-n-S’ insinuates is that there is another venue (or paradigm) for which you can exist than the temporal expectations that require your ego-identification and self-assertion. S-n-S doesn’t give you a programmed outline beyond the near-assurance that ‘it is that beyond your most conscientious efforts’. If there is a guide,it would be the ethical extrapolation of your appreciation of the gratuity of the S-n-S event as a template for your own graciousness to others and the circumstances you find yourself.
The S-n-S is like a master who has their pet on a leach of restraint and guidance to keep this impulsive being from pursuing any stimuli to its senses. Much as one disciplined for particular conditions, You come to eschew the random impetus for the similarities of the gratuities of past serendipities and synchronicities. You are no longer the indulgent to your comforts for your ego and its body-vessel, but the congruent adherent in submission to that which is more efficacious than your wildest ego expectations.
