Tuesday, October 31, 2017

We humans as conductors, primarily, in a cosmic network

We humans as conductors, primarily, in a cosmic network

One way to view the male and female libidos other than their  procreative-mating functions is to consider the intra-specie and the supra-terrestrial, paranormal signals, which are generated by the aroused, excited human creatures. Whether by ‘romance’, by abstract, objectifying, covetous lusts, or it’s siblings-masturbation,  substance abuse highs, or other esoteric means, we are sending to and receiving signals from the environment, with the object of our  attention, as well as into the ambient ether surrounding us.

Each of the aforementioned at their most acute intensity are so single-minded in obsessive preoccupation that they have achieved a near-state of clear-mindedness, sans the object of their emotional energy. In that state of mind of minimal (even with the obsessive) distractions, if they achieved a physiological  catharsis (climax), their minds will have and ECT-effect . In that affected state, the person becomes ‘open-minded’ to signals, which normally would be drowned-out in the deluge of social and environmental noise within and outside the person.

Those signals are part of the vibrations that have their source from the origins of this universe-(the Big Bang) . Those origin signals and their vibrations are the predicate for how all matter and energy has been organized. Much similar to our body’s stem-cells, those signals are the raw energy pulses of the default template for our existence. Just having a subconscious, receptive, connection with those signals allows our body’s cognizance to recalibrate itself from the social-environmental noise din of temporality. As we make this connection, we enter into its telemetry on our out-going energy signal-vibrations. Its signals establish a beachhead in our subconscious sensory receptors which transmit their interlocution of those signals to our conscious associating processing faculties.

With that we become part of the stem-signal web network- our  synaptic, original and default neural home-base. In that web network  we are exposed to the transmitted radiations uploaded from other cosmic sources. In essence, we have our ‘library card’ to the vibrations of all eternity. Unlike the narrow focus of our local provincial dramas of our carnality-mentioned in the first paragraph-we learn that by reaching that post-cathartic, mind-cleared state, it gives us entrance into the cosmic vibrational streams of energy not beholding to physic-consequences of  the terrestrial realm.

This begs the question, “Is our carnal state just a logistical support base for these cosmic stem-signals?”  As a previously affected subject to this connection, I found both coincidentally and incidentally that at these levels of intense, energy excitation and arousal there are collateral atmospherics, unrelated to my conscious or kinetic intent, yet serendipitous to synchronistic to my existential-holistic well-being and expansive upon my formerly more narrow perspective of my probable material options.

It is more a holistic, global reorientation than being part of a fortuitous tactical advantage of expedience. This network existing as a pipeline conduit to and through you makes you a relay. An interesting aspect is that the female, because of her anatomy and physiology is the most likely node for the nexi of human connection. As that node she, the female, in contradiction to many of the cultural and social conditions in this paternalistic structured world, can be the figurative and literal ‘handler’ as the catalyst-facilitator for these states of climatic, excited. visceral-to-neural energy agitation.

Digressing a bit for an explanation of the female role transformation: as the pilloried sexual objectification of women which spawns the  unwelcomed male predations on women has been pointed out, the projection of physical female attractiveness is a primal trigger for the less, libido-repressed or restrained male. This condition runs counter to the tasks designed for the gender-neutral roles of the technological, post-industrial, post-modern cultures. Any Freudian analysis of the ways of bonding between a woman with either the MALE or female child would point out the behavior modeling imprinted in the woman-to-future male or future female in the exchanges of providing bodily satisfaction. That satisfying becomes a reinforced habit in the infancy-toddler ages that becomes a behavioral trigger for the more matured male or female person.
Despite the temporal social paradigms, the cultural roles of the more profound visceral interaction are more than latent appendages of the past. They are still emotional dynamics needing personal, as well as social, management.

One option for management would be to end the taboos on aggressive libidinous behavior on WOMEN. In the Yin-Yang world of male-female dynamics, the female is depicted and portrayed as the passive reactor than being the initiating aggressor. As societies have moved to more gender neutral roles, the passive reactor has taken more passive-aggressive postures, when not outright assertive about her libidinous preferences. The eruption of vocalized protest and outing of male sexual abuse and harassment is signalling a long-overdue upgrade from the former passive-aggressive responses. This change should be supplemented with the ability not only to initiate and assert the terms of engagement, but to assume a matriarchal regnum for being the determiner of the progenesis of the human species. They would choose the men to be consorts for being the potential breeding mates.

This would turn the whole ritual of male and female relations on its head. This would be liberating, also,  for those men NOT delegated for the consort-mating role, because they would be aware from post-pubescence  of the alternative latitudes of ‘liberties’ they would have in not trying to be the peacock-of-desire in finding their social role. Auto-eroticism and regulated escort-prostitution, along with the more tolerated views on homo-eroticism would exist. The non-delegated consort mates would have the greater opportunity and chance, other than those in acutely intense consort-mating relations, to exceed the latitudes of sensory excitation; because there’d be only the limits of their auto-homo erotic imaginations or  the serendipity of a symbiotic to synergistic commercial escort.

For both the initiating matriarch female or the non-selected male, they both are at liberty to explore and reach that climactic satiation which enables them to reach that level of energy to be in the energy shell of the cosmic-stem signals. Thus, they bring more of  the mass of humanity to these upper potentialities of kinetic motivation and mental insights and inspirations. The former dramas of the repressed or passive aggressive female and the hyper-aggressive male environment go away as the objectifying posturing and gestures fall away for the female-centered node of matriarchal initiation for social relationships. Those relationships promote the connection to the cosmic stem network, as well as having the cohort of non-selected males whose libidinousness finds new liberty in auto-homo erotic, and commercially regulated symbiotic and synergistic, ‘escort’ personal services.

Instead of the distracting and dissipating energy spectacles meant to ultimately provide a comparable distinguishment between people, there is a universal symbiotic and synergistic series of formal and informal, cooperative relations for which a mutuality of exchange is the end-game. Those cooperative relations raise the energy vitality of the individuals to get them connected to the cosmic stem energy source. At that source level in the network with the ‘library card’ energy connection, our identity becomes the relayed source of energy coded from the telemetry between-from we, the extensions, to the source.

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