Egoless Submission of Serendipity-n-Synchronicity
It’s been written and said from religious and spiritual texts that to ‘find one’s self’ one should relinquish any ego aspirations. Whether or not one believes in a dominion of a supernatural, anthropomorphic presence, ‘Serendipity- n-Synchronicity’ (S-n-S) is that phenomenon that provides the impetus to go with the imperatives of the moment besides your elective or perceived needs. Because ‘S-n-S’ is that profound compelling event for which submission to its substance and qualities is just a too go(o)d an offer to refuse.
‘S-n-S’ is the portal-to-escape hatch of the gratuitousness of the moment to you; very much like the beneficence of ‘the Lord’,as mentioned in the link above. What the ‘S-n-S’ insinuates is that there is another venue (or paradigm) for which you can exist than the temporal expectations that require your ego-identification and self-assertion. S-n-S doesn’t give you a programmed outline beyond the near-assurance that ‘it is that beyond your most conscientious efforts’. If there is a guide,it would be the ethical extrapolation of your appreciation of the gratuity of the S-n-S event as a template for your own graciousness to others and the circumstances you find yourself.
The S-n-S is like a master who has their pet on a leach of restraint and guidance to keep this impulsive being from pursuing any stimuli to its senses. Much as one disciplined for particular conditions, You come to eschew the random impetus for the similarities of the gratuities of past serendipities and synchronicities. You are no longer the indulgent to your comforts for your ego and its body-vessel, but the congruent adherent in submission to that which is more efficacious than your wildest ego expectations.
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