Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A 'Tool of Opportunity' or a 'Tool of your own 'Art' '?


A 'Tool of Opportunity'

or a

'Tool of your own Art'?


In a retrospective , I thought of the opportunity I could have had (under other circumstances) in being part of a multi-cultural, trans-national network of business partner entrepreneurs who’d have been micro-start ups funding activities in our home countries businesses.


The “under other circumstances” is a big caveat, since my own tract had been structured for another agenda, leaving me in a different mindset too busy seeking its own autonomy, let alone some form of “liberation”. To what extent would such a mindset struggling in another agenda order have been able to have conceived that opportunity. History showed it was not feasible. Is that secular result one which could have had an alternative process of the mechanics? Or, was that state of personal capabilities part of what was part of a necessary and organic, self-rehabilitating emotional metamorphosis in which I was an unknowing actor? That metamorphosis was based on my own latent thoughts and intuitions of something other than the materially-based strivings that would not necessarily have helped the prior noted scenario.


That other perspective base was just planted by my arrival on campus away from the direct influence of my home and hometown environment. The process of autonomy and what would be its purpose and meaning for me had just begun to gestate by the fertilization of my inserted entrance to the campus organic life.


As I look back through the years, getting rid of the intellectual exoskeleton of others aspirational paradigms for me would take another two-and-a-half decades more, so that the needed emotional inventory would have the space for me to be aware of the imperative to commence that inventory. Even with that, for two-and-a-half more decades hences I am still sorting through and reorganizing my emotional resources for other logistical ends other than I had previously thought and believed to be their purpose.


So, though it would’ve have been grand to have been that instrument of secular effectuation back fifty-plus years ago, the utilization for that instrumentation would have been, it appears, a coincidental serendipity of a distributional process of minimizing frugality, than from the excesses and successes of wealth, as had been expectations of others agenda. Because my (and probably each of our) psyche has its own process, which was alluded to in the 18th chapter and 47th verse of the Bhagavad Gita

That righteous duty is the practice of the art of being ‘the ethical expression of the soul’. That expression comes from the empirical experience and the intuitive insights from the trained and practiced, intangible  lessons of the empirical experience.


For that to occur, the individual needs to be given a  cognitive space of autonomy, so that they can discover and practice the talents that they have-their ’art’. In that autonomy of cognitive space, the individual’s mind is no longer at the indoctrinated or obliged service of others, but to the feasible and ethical potentialities that that space-in-time of cognitive autonomy allows them to have.


The ‘art’, which is derived from that space of cognitive autonomy, is the mind’s extension of itself for itself into the physical dimension of practice from the metaphysical of the hypothetical. That art, being the ‘expression of the soul’, is the closest thing  to the (or we becoming the animistic) extension of our cosmic origins.

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