Wednesday, December 26, 2018

As I remove my presence from you

As I remove my presence from you
Audio version:

I infuse your world animistically with my presence, and with each passing day either you eliminate me directly, consciously; or indirectly by your thoughtless omissions. And it matters not to me, as I invest myself in evermore resonant forms that by their innate or fabricated design are more AMENable with Me..

You can have the products of my passing presence. I AM the vitality that made them and which you seek in them. You may have the empty shells you use as the useless ornaments with which you flatter your vanities. They will be worth little in the currency of wealth, security, or convenience that they are to you now in the short-term.

I am organic. And like the one of legend who searched for the ‘one honest man’, I search for those earnest people of altruistic intent.
Yet, so many fall short of the most basic reciprocity based on empathy, if not sympathy.

I have no regrets for what I do and the consequences for the absence of my presence that once enlivened those former spaces and times. I am not bound to anything. I occupy vessels of forms as a place to operate or rest. When I find that I can no longer tolerate the environs, I move on, taking what is mine, in a divorce from that which is insufferable.
Death is that without the vitality of the spirit. There are many who’ve condemned themselves to that fate for what they have done to themselves, to others, and their surroundings. And for that desecration of that which they have made unlivable for the holiness of vitality and its enlivening virtues, they have and will suffer the consequences for I-as-we no longer are residing in such corruption.

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