Sunday, April 11, 2021

Over-compensating when detached from the Sublime Sacralities



In direct proportion to the level and extent we adapt and accommodate ourselves with things that are, at the least, not incidental resolutions to our immediate conscious (or subconscious) imperative will be the the conscious and subconscious, compensating remediation to those energies diverted from your primary emotionally centered focus. A lot of what we do-particularly socially, but also by the de facto cultural envelopment-is an inherent disruption (and, possibly, a major diversion) from what was our default, peaceful centering. Our default status could very well have been a flawed presumption, but the dynamic of obliged or forced adaptation or accommodation could unnecessarily further compound the flaws already existent.

What is the difference between direct proportional, proportional, non  proportional and inversely proportional graphs? - Quora  

One measure that may aid your discernment of the positive quality of the dynamics of that adaptation or accommodation might be to what extent it makes not only your  mechanics, elegantly efficient, but how that elegant efficiency is symbiotically or synergistically a part of the externalities of your environment. It may be an adverse, toxic environment even more than you presenting an adverse toxicity. If your intent was good-to-altruistic, then more likely, if not you own debilitating mechanic for efficiency and elegance, it could be the surrounding environment.

Synergy - Illini Land FCA

Whether it's you or 'them', the result of that psyche-influencing environmental friction will be the initiating catalyst for any resulting excesses of over-compensation in your behavior to bring you back to some approximation of your (flawed) homeostatic equilibrium. The nature of our avocations, recreation, 'relaxations' and 'entertainment' would let us know where along the curve we go into self-abusive/abusing pathologies, which we prospectively or retrospectively deem as counter-productive.

Andrew James – The whole of human life is here…  

As an undergrad, I wrote on observing my and other's marijuana use as a substitute-surrogate for the void of not having the prior emotional systems and networks that were the psychologically nurturing and motivating factors for me. You, the reader, could project and extrapolate how other dependencies could be over-compensations from tangible or abstract former conditions. Even a negative former, condition that has contributed to conscious or compulsive misanthropic-to anti-social behaviors could have its projecting future extensions in surrogate forms that allow for a psychic homeostasis, if not the contentment for the actor.    

If you are fortuitously situated, psychologically, that you're able to have an introspective insight on your behavior and its mindset, then you'll have the privilege of rehabilitative options to adjust your thought orientation. It will be with not only your external environment, but more importantly the attributing factors of your own past 'homeostasis'. By doing so, you may have a better detached perspective of a more cherished, core aspiration for yourself and a suggested path for that less opaque goal.

File:Clear road ahead on the A82. - - 253824.jpg -  Wikimedia Commons  


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