Altruistic Incarnality
Just being so fortuitously near is what I'm suggesting the eternal incarnates can-+-do-'immanuel'. They as extensions of Nature's energy, the Eternal One, are the sentient interlocutors of that animistic presence.
I concluded this when pondering the significance of the 'frequent flyers' and other characters graphically credible, cameo appearances in my dreams. My deductions to this conclusion was from trying to account for those characters so credibly genuine personalities and actions in my dreams. Including those people from my past experiences, these cameo/frequent flyers serve as avatar reminders of who I am and what can or will be-going forward. They span the cultural demographic of Americana (probably since I'm not verbally fluent in any foreign language!). They are from some locale's or settings, at which I've never been. But they all pass on a sense of how I am with myself in those settings.
They could be a throw-back composite of my cab days at Safeway Cab Company from 2003-08 being at the representation of their offices and garage.
Or I could be in some church sanctuary in an anomalously rare participation in a church service with other congregants . Or two of my frequent settings: a-campus dormitory setting, from which I am ever going to class, but usually an after-class or lunch-time excursion or meeting to be at.
b-The rural country road housing . It was on these roads where I went to see again the familiar dream settings of 'past (dream) residences' of mine. Usually on a street off a main drag that leads to an intersection at the base of an incline, somewhat like E. Colvin near Garfield Ave.
At each of these would be the dream characters who as either strangers or as those 'strangers' who uncannily know me. They'd be the protagonists for my mood and actions.
Because I was hardly familiar with nearly all these characters, I assumed they weren't from some subconscious data base of images subliminally accounted for in my conscious, pedestrian activity. But as those who were deceased-incarnates, a rationale could be made that they chose or are obliged to habituate this dimension of cognitive space. They are playing out the continuation of their psychic-karmic progression of development or devolution. I just happen to be the random interaction for them as they are for me.
There was a particular dream interaction I had with a past, associate and mentor of mine who passed 15-plus years ago. I was at a hotel poolside on a lounging chair and a valet comes by with a phone, telling me I have a call. I take the phone with curiosity to know who'd be calling me here. The person on the line says, "Hello, Mr. H___. We've been waiting to hear from you". His message was mysterious and inscrutable to me, but the voice rang a startling bell in my head. It was Craig B..'lle. He'd passed over a decade ago! I garbled out some excuse and intentions off the top of my head as an explanation and promise to "Craig", then I hung up the phone, wondering 'Why and How would He and 'they' would be expecting me to get in contact with them'? If nothing else, the alter-dimension had taken up tenancy in my head. I had to decide that "tenant" was from the other side or I had experienced the effects of a subconscious, sleep memory-dump.
This would apply to contemporary notables who appear in these dreams of mine. Our projections of our mental energy intersect with others on the frequency channels, on which we happen to be. Even Donald Trump Jr. came across as a more likeable and engaging person in my first-person dream encounter than in my own third-person knowledge of him from media reports.
I have what would qualify as erotic wet dreams staged with strangers, but with whom I have the kind of cordiality level of friendliness that makes the transition to the coital more organically seamless. The people are so genuine, that I don't dismiss that genre of dreams as mere utopian aspirational angst. They do provide an encouraging affirmation for what would be for me worthy to be sensually aroused. I'm heartened by my other than perv-impulsed fantasy behaviors usually done for my occasional, dopamine boosts in my profane conscious state.
As real as being in a busy shopping mall or at a plaza having ad hoc interactions with my cameo characters, don't believe or think that where you parked and left your car will be where the car will be when you return to it in that dream..
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