Saturday, February 27, 2021

Exceptional sui-generis person

 Exceptional sui-generis person 

 Similar but distinct from the 'Great Man/(Person)' of History theory, Time chooses the person more than the person chooses the time.. It's rare that the 'sui-generis' person is that self-aware. They come to an intuitive sense of something which they can, if not should, fulfill. That 'thing' has a more than casual significance that grows to an imperative. In the apprehension of the imperative significant value comes the growing comprehension of the gravity of commitment needed in one's discipline. At that point, the priority of significance separates the sui generis one from their contemporaries for the better ' great' or the worst, 'infamous' person of Time. 

I go further to assert that the sui generis person discovers an agency by which they are graced. In that agency comes a contingent license of duty that motivates them beyond their concerns for their own mortality, even with the shrewdest of cunning in the moment. They have come to perceive a more relevant relativity than with their prior life's existential perspective. A conception of something profoundly numinous in both its aesthetic elegance and its operative, functional application of itself within the contingencies of the former presumptions of pedestrian mundanity and the associated derived banality. 

Time is more than a measuring chronometer, but a womb birthing our mindful or negligent initiatives we have inseminated and impregnated the moments of time. We, the besotted-in-ignorance, are the magicians trapped in our own suggestively induced states of misguided enchantments. Those enchantments have us as consumptive gluttons of the tangible and intangible substances that toxify not only our bodies, but their resulting interactions within our environment. As we realize the ways our consumption has addicted us to a dependent, toxic state of self-abuse and destructiveness; we begin to see ourselves and the destructiveness of our deteriorating state. 

With that we can begin to cure as we purge and correct those 'substances' we've take-in. In doing so we not only redeem ourselves; but by our direct and indirect radiated influence, redeem our environs. That redemption is the animistic dynamic of vitalizing energy which restores your healing flesh with its epochal, genesis energy. 

That energy we know as charismatic, but it exists in the more sublime and subliminal forms of foundational and inspirational paradigms of replicable imitation of behaviorable imprints. They are those infectious mental vectors whose leverage is both an irresistible
draw, plus a contagious spread of consensual, mass compulsion. It is in that contagion of mass compulsion that's derived from the redemption from our own rectitudinous actions of purging ourselves to that minimalistic efficient elegance of energy forms.

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