Tiger Year
first New Moon Virgo, on Thors day evening
This sequence was the predicate of my birth. From that birth I was accorded the entitlements of being born in that sequence with fortuitous sensory seedings that gave me hints and clues which individually teased my thinking. As those hints and clues aggregated I realized I had a role transcendent to the mundanities of possession and title trappings of others’ pursuits. I was the passive conduit for a presence that manifested the instrumentality of its equity and justice within my sensory boundaries.
I became aware of it, first, on the corner of E. Genesee and Westcott Street
one cold, wintry, January day..
Years passed, and I had moments not as great as that wintry day, but they were times for me to say “Thanks!”. The presence was always in the background camouflaged in the animisms of the moment.
By the time of my senior year I had moved away from considering the words in the Scriptures as the final world on our morality, let alone ontological genesis. My newly developing iconoclasms tended to more metaphysical rhetoric, which brought me to the next serendipitous revelation of existential potentiality.
A dream I had just after the Christmas break was the beginning of the clue and signs for what the Presence was preparing my still very methodology-clueless mind by metaphors for what I was to face over my life. That dream was followed by several equally metaphorical, symbolic dreams to give me an orientation for my now pilgrim-seeking efforts.
Having few with whom to share the metas of my speculations, plus no longer having the intense time investment in the study of these metaphysics left me treading water and drifting away from considering anything more than the secular routine tasks I was facing weekly and yearly for most of the next decade.
Near the end of that decade of secular accommodation by me, I began to have dreams similar in their metaphoric import as the dream I had called, “The Dream-for the Record”. That began my intellectual reformation from being another temporal widget of hollowed-out spirituality. I knew there was a role for me to play but what would it be?
I got another clue from a feral-spirited co-worker who gave me a text of the Bhagavad Gita, in which two chapters- 3 & 18- provided me with purpose and guidance I needed. Ten years later I would receive a text, the ‘Futuh al-Ghaib’, that placed in perspective the futility of living in profane pursuits for having any expectations of blessings being bestowed on me for my efforts. The comprehension of the significant of these texts became the predicate for the next period of synchronistic blessings which showed me the fortuitous grace of being a devotee to the ethos of ‘the Presence’.
Having those confirming fortuitous serendipities and synchronicities as the refocusing of my attention and acknowledgement on the powers of the Presence, I entered a new chapter in the relationship with the Presence. It was giving me hints of its origin and obliged roles I’ would be doing for the sake of having the incidental contrast in my interactions with others person’s characters for the karma that would befall them: the street person, the weight lifter, the strange nurse, the gold-digger, the entrepreneur. By their inherently corrupt to vacuous ethics or their naive faith in false paradigms, they were the latest examples of the sometimes cruel and indifferent vindictiveness of karma.
I still was not thinking in terms beyond my carnal and temporal identity, so I was thinking of ethics in terms of what others weren’t doing than the broader purpose for why I should be scrupulous in my ethics-to create a context of aesthetic reference points for my own functional identity in being more than an adherent to a proscribe behavior. To the extent when I did react with ethical diligence, I set the preconditions for how others Karma would be divined.
All these interactions, particularly after I got on the internet in 1997, I retrospectively see as my latest efforts to have the social connections which weren’t feasible or possible in my life of anonymous marginality prior to the internet. In fact the ‘marginality’ I had perceived about my condition was a contrarian force for which ‘the ‘Gita’ and the other academic, mystical, plus occult texts had been seeding my mind. The irony of my further misanthropy in a world of greater social connectedness was driving me into conscious and incidental isolation and detachment from the culture and its social features. Even my present (and LAST carnal) marriage I found myself categorizing its 15+ year state as a partnership guided by existential preconditions for an ethical duty, than as the humanistic celebration of a joint intangible purpose beyond the nuts-and-bolt mechanics of a partnership.
I found that it was not being involved in a proactively direct, social dialogue and action that was either satisfying or effectual, but it was the indirect, proactivity in tuning and fine-tuning my ethical intent and actions in a more asocial, ascetically monastic self-dialogue and minimalistically necessary, imperative activity which best complemented the character of the manifestations of that Presence, guardian-mentor.
My carnal being’s social status and roles are coincidental, apocryphal and many time irrelevant footnotes to being the conduit that is resonantly in-synch, consciousness-wise with the ‘Presence of Cosmic Time and its elemental Substance’. My birth moment was and is the commissioner for my carnal existence. As such, in that orientational, consciousness relationship I am telemetrically connected to the ethical equity of balance of Cosmic Time. As its involuntary or incidental conduit, I make it possible for the rectifying adjustments of conditions or catalytic thoughts that are ascribed to conditions of serendipity, synchronicity, and karma.
I am one-of-you in form, but not purpose, in this telemetric orientation. I am an anonymous avataric sign of this algorithmic design of logic that is the operating system of this existence.
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