Monday, June 3, 2024





Video version 


The visual presentation is superfluous and irrelevant to what the surreal to mystical 

metaphysics does independently.  It’s the trepidation of what Einstein asserted in 

saying that ‘God’ doesn’t play Dice with creation, aka the universe. It’s neither 

‘God’ nor he ‘playing dice with creation’s elemental forces. It’s our own living 

beyond the bounds, individually and collectively,   beyond the margins of our own 

systemic and environmental tolerance.


This narrative is written from a hetero-normative experience. Yet, there’s testimonials 

from alternative, alter-hetero experiences that would confirm that our neural, highly 

intense and acute thoughts are prompted from our mid-brain’s transmission of our  

sensory faculties. That data is the trigger mechanism for the projected neural energy 

that’s communicated to the animate and inanimate environment and to other 

dimensions derived from our subconscious’ non-conscious functions. Those functions 

to dimensions, otherwise thought of as intangible, act as tangible extensions of our 

being that can create similar kinds of networks to what we do in our carnal activity. 

Even this literary exposition is a digressive diversion, but for this arguable means 

of dissemination of the description of this credo. What I’m seeking to present to you, 

reader, is a viscerally felt, intuitive, non-verbal communication. Though supplemental 

with an architecture of graphic, provocative words that would give your acculturated 

context more dimensional depth, it’s not to be thought of as a manic fix that’s an 

extension of your humanistic substance abuse issues. It’s the incidental organic 

sequence of consequences from established symbiotic and synergistic tangible and 

intangible bonding.

The significance of this is that this extra-dimensional function establishes affinities 

with other constructs and carnally familiar forms that broaden our ‘band-width’ 

for comprehending and channeling conduits for synchronistic and serendipitous 

phenomena, only more familiarly known in the individual, granular experiences 

known as romance and love. 

Unlike the more myopic and exclusively focused romance or love, these phenomena 

give us paranormal abilities and potential functions. The paranormal abilities allow us 

to be simultaneously and somatically empathetic with remote entities to which we’ve 

established strong sympathies. This remote empathy happens with not only those within 

our conceived material dimension, but also with entities of dimensions alien to any 

preconception we might have.


 The bottom-line is that we aren’t limited or confined to this empirically 

material dimension. Through our neuro structures that enable our mind 

abstractions, we have innumerable-to-infinite options at our disposal. Thus, 

what we have materially on Earth that we use as raw materials for our consumption 

and technologies are mostly superfluous in importance for our survival and vitality. 

As far as any Human-centered solutions, GIVE IT UP.. Take the Surreal 

Metaphysical Dice throw of the super-ordinate metaphysics. The visual 

presentation is relevant to what the surreal to mystical metaphysics does 

independently. It’s the trepidation of what Einstein asserted in saying that 

‘God’ doesn’t play Dice with creation, aka the universe. 

Referenced YouTube: .

Chapter 1 Convergence

I am more convinced than ever that we can trigger the generation of energy 

into forms of not only holographic dreams, but synchronistic events when our 

physiology triggers a resolution from an emotional state we are experiencing.  

Those exploding forms are part of  a dynamic process[much like the 

‘BIG BANG of physicist]  involving the generation of energy through 

contentious interactions that lead to the creation of those eruptive forms.

Chapter 2 

‘Symbiotic and Synergistic’ describe cooperative or mutually beneficial 

relationships. "Symbiotic" often refers to two organisms living together 

in close association, while "synergistic" is the combined effect of multiple 

elements that is greater than the sum of their individual effects. As it relates 

to creating and exploding forms: Creating indicates a process of formation 

or bringing something into existence.

Chapter 3

Matrix Thinking is the concept of developing a "matrix network of visceral empathy" 

was an informal institutionalizing of the local interconnection of empathetic 

responses that connected the individual experiences in either the neighborhood or 

‘the class’ into a shared consciousness or a networked empathy and enabling 

sympathy system. This "matrix" could refer to a network or structure that 

connects various elements or entities together.

Chapter 4

Natural versus Programmed Logic in being the fundamental forces and 

principles governing the natural world are the foundational baseline for my, 

if not a ubiquitous, logic that exists in contrast to fabricate programmed 

'social consensus'. These programmed consensus are derived as extensions 

of a momentum of the "logic" of its algorithmic path. What's intriguing is 

that "programmed" implies a sense of design or intentionality, suggesting 

that these paths have been set in motion according to some predetermined 

plan or algorithm.

Chapter 5

Grace, as a precipitated form of energy, has been a speculative obsession of 

mine over the decades. The means of its advent to my attention had me 

wondering if that grace was a creature of my own physiology’s doing, some 

interaction of intersecting frequencies between myself and others, or a 

conscious omnipresence of another dimension. Only my own demurring 

from having any special status worthy for some omnipresent conscious to bother 

with me [unless I was an extension of it] has me dismissing that latter hypothetical.

Chapter 6

”Emotional Intelligence” and Intensity I had with women led to conflicts or 

misunderstandings. In any relationship the power dynamics can influence 

interactions and behaviors. It most certainly did with me, as the aggravating 

initiator or the reactive subject. The aggressive and manic cultural values 

of presumptive, male prerogative precipitated many a leering look or suggestive 

comment to bring my vitality from the staid choreography of so-called, gentlemanly, 

civil discretion to the more cathartically-doggish manias of salacious propositions.

Fractal Extensions are a unique fractal derivative from a common source that 

suggests that while there may be common genetic elements shared among species, 

there are also unique variations or adaptations that arise through evolutionary 

divergence. Fractals are mathematical constructs that exhibit self-similar patterns 

at different scales, and in this context, they might represent the branching diversity 

of life forms evolving from a common ancestral source.

Chapter 7

Fractal Derivative is a question I have of myself: ‘Whether my existence is 

from either a soul possession by my maternal grandfather, who was described 

pejoratively by my mother and his youngest and favorite daughter.  Or was it 

the non-conscious, testosterone-driven energy of his genes having their 

biochemical trigger being pulled in the loaded community of earthy females? 

In either circumstance, Me being a unique fractal derivative from his soul 

possession or his gene pool...


Chapter 8

Embodying Grace was my ability to embody that grace from the serial 

aggregation of events over the years that happened similarly as my maternal 

G-Pa’s tendencies, so that some kind of  elegant comprehension could emerge 

from that pattern of insights was the fortuity I’ve learned over time. Those 

sequence of events refers to my misadventures and escapades with women and 

the few feminized men I encountered. These events,  though diverse, 

shared a common thread or characteristic, such as being timely as cognitive 

or emotional footnotes of phenomenological significance in their advent.

Chapter 9

The Paranormal is when that aspect acts as the predicate factor, the 

paranormal aspect takes on the role of the primary or initiating force, setting 

the stage for the expression of grace. It becomes the driving factor behind 

the unfolding events or experiences. Just as likely is the possibility that as a 

radiating proximal dynamic that's in close similarity or congruence to the 

candidate recipient induces components of grace on the subject.


Chapter 10

Economic Layering of this economic structure that underlies the 

bourgeois trappings imposes a limiting alienation and estrangement between 

the subject's non-conscious, instinctual characteristics and the more 

self-aggrandizing aspects of false extrapolating reductive conclusions. The 

complexities of economic structures and their impact on human psychology, 

particularly in terms of alienation and estrangement between instinctive 

characteristics and self-aggrandizing tendencies play a determinative role 

in the social order.  The economic structure underlying the bourgeois trappings’ 

is the material distribution system that supports and perpetuates bourgeois 

values and lifestyles that prioritize material wealth, social status, and 


Chapter 11

Intense Emotiveness defies the repressed, self-suppressed vitality of 

expression that can be ignited by triggering intense emotions that break 

the cultural restraints of indoctrinated and trained social choreography. 

Indeed, the repressed or self-suppressed vitality of expression can find 

release through the ignition of intense emotions, which have the power 

to break through the cultural restraints of indoctrinated and trained 

social choreography.


Chapter 12

Liberating  events give an expanded dimension of self-consciousness and 

conscientiousness that's perceived in tactile, as well as observed awareness 

by others. In these ways the dimension of intense emotional experiences trigger 

a profound shift in one's awareness and understanding of oneself and the world. 

This expanded dimension may involve increased self-reflection, 

introspection, and insight into one's own thoughts, feelings, and motivations. 

Self-Consciousness is the dimension that becomes a heightened sense 

of awareness, where individuals become more acutely sensitive of their 

own existence, identity, and inner states.

Chapter 13

Perceptual Enhancement is that awareness and sensitivity to one's inner 

states and external surroundings enable individuals to perceive subtle nuances, 

contradictions, and inconsistencies that may have gone unnoticed before. 

This heightened perceptiveness allows for a deeper understanding of oneself and 

the world. As individuals become more attuned to their surroundings and inner 

experiences, they may start to recognize patterns or anomalies that were previously 

dismissed or overlooked as insignificant.  

Chapter 14

Self-Empowerment is one of the main reevaluations of one's status with 

and toward authority, as a subordinate or as a contrarian. In the context of 

authority, a subordinate role typically involves compliance, obedience, and 

deference to those in positions of power or authority. Individuals in a 

subordinate role may adhere to established rules, norms, and expectations 

without questioning or challenging them. This stems from a desire for security, 

approval, or avoidance of conflict. On the other hand, adopting a contrarian 

role entails a willingness to question, challenge, or even resist authority and 

its dictates.

Chapter 15

The road to vitality is that heightened awareness may lead individuals to reassess 

the importance of social platitudes relative to other values such as authenticity, 

empathy, and social justice. They may choose to prioritize genuine connection, 

ethical integrity, and critical thinking over adherence to superficial norms and 

conventions.  This reexamination involves critically assessing the empirical reality 

underlying these presumptions of deference and considering alternative  values 

and perspectives that prioritize authenticity, empathy, and ethical integrity. 

Chapter 17

Being Tuned-In with one's emotional intimacy, in the context of sexual relationships, 

enhances the experience of eroticism and sexual pleasure, but it's not confined or 

limited to those experiences. When partners feel emotionally attuned (or figuratively 

‘tuned-in’) to each other's needs, desires, and vulnerabilities, it creates a sense of 

solidarity and co-union that allows for greater interpersonal exploration and 

satisfaction.  This heightened sensory perception extends the realm of eroticism 

to one's visceral vitality, where one can become more attuned to one's subtle 

expressions of desire, pleasure, and arousal.

Chapter 18

Taking the 'Fork-in-the-Road!' is at this juncture that We, as individuals and 

as a collective humanity, have reached the 'Yogi Berra Maxim' of the 

'fork-in-the-road' we've chosen to take. From the materialist temporal roles of 

domesticated economic, reproductive -mammals to nihilistic and hedonistic libertines; 

both contenting themselves within the spectrum niche of time fulfillment within the 

temporal realm of satisfaction between birth-and-death. I'm suggesting that  

this temporal, material world is just a 'base camp' or a launching pad for our 

psyche to explore and to know other dimensional possibilities of the infinitude 

of 'timelessness'.

Chapter 19

Once we see the transcendent possibilities beyond being circumscribed within 

the sectarian and secular humanistic oriented narratives, we will encounter 

the elemental cosmic dimensions of our existence in being truly engaged as 

Sartre propounded, being actively engaging with the world and taking ownership 

of one's existence. This requires making conscious choices and commitments, 

even in the face of uncertainty and ambiguity, rather than passively accepting 

the status quo or resigning oneself to fate.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024



  MRS W: Goodness me, although I really am a respectable Christian, married lady, I must admit I am flattered by your last message. I know I shouldn't really say, but it is lovely receiving such compliments, having eyes roam over me like that does enhance my self-consciousness, I really wouldn't be able to make eye contact with.

ME: Ahhhhh... Things expressed nonverbally are just as telling. And Your shy acknowledgement would be affirmed with kisses , first with kisses to your raised lips and then to your breasts as my hands would accompany my lips in feeling the contours of their full softness.

MRS W: oh my goodness, I cannot believe this is happening to me, im sure this cannot be right, 1m a respectable christian married lady... Look, we have a christian daughter too.... oh god help me, what are you doing to me, i shouldn't allow this Please don't stare at my breasts like that. Can't you see I'm a respectable lady with a respectable christian husband and daughter?

ME: More than stare.. I lean over and give you an ardent full-mouth french kiss..     MRS W: noooooo.. oHH i’m sure this isn't right...!          ME: The taste of your lips and mouth undermine your protestations

MRS W: oh my god [why am i allowing this?]        ME: You feel the tingling aroused excitement as my hand now feels what my eyes have been groping..          MRS W: god his hands are all over me, his tongue probing deep into my mouth, my married mouth

ME: Your hands no longer pressing against my chest but resting as a caress of them as you feel my hand move up between your legs              MRS W: no no noooo oh god why don't i tell him to stop, p-p-lease please.. you must remove you hand from under my skirt.... im sure this isn't right.. please please

------LATER ON..
MRS W.:  Hello           ME: Hello, Pussy.  l'm Looking forward to having my fingers deep into that soft fur of that married pussy of yours.                 MRS W.:   oh err hello..  oh my god, im so ashamed of how i acted yesterday, im sorry.                  

ME:   Reaching and cupping your breaststs as I bring your lips to mine.      MRS W.:   this is me,a respectable lady, im sorry for yesterday... no no please not again..Noooo.            ME: Reaching up between the legs of your 'kulott' and rubbing that crotch of yours like I did yesterday..

MRS W.:   no no im sorry i really am not like that, I am a respectable christian married lady.. please remove your hand from my crotch        ME:  Your breast's nipples hardening says that Your labia likes the feel of my fingers probing up there. [purposely pushing 2-fingers into the vaginal depression]                        

MRS W.:   oh god noooo please please not there!!      ME :   Moving my hand up to the belt line then down into your panties...      MRS W.:   mmmm nooooooo oh god help me, why wont he stop. What sort of lady does he think i am?



Monday, March 25, 2024


 OUR INNER-CHILD WILL LEAD US-Reverencing our individual souls



You wrote: Hello hi I've read all your masturbation information and I totally get it.. So what about this? There's an older lady here that does it and she claims that within 2-hours with her touching kissing and masturbation that I'll have the biggest explosive orgasm ever, and mine are already super intensely edgy. Is that true?  

 What you think?

Most definitely!                                             

You may have noticed the physiological beneficial effects, such as bowel evacuation, urination, (immediate subsequent sneezing?), and graphically intense, surreal dreams-besides the conscious relaxation.

For the physical system health, the shitting and pissing gets rid of the physical waste from piling up in you. The sneezing is an idiosyncrasy I've been having for 40+ years an its now, after prostate surgeries, the indication of intensity my former stronger ejaculations gave me.

Another thing, when I was more socially invested than my present misanthropic anti-social ways, the intensity of focus I may have n a person whom I know and am jacking-off to seems to have that person more aware of my presence and demeanor around them, even if its a transactional, benign, neutral perfunctory act. Also, person can be independently solicitous and sensually  suggestive-as if she knew what's on my mind.

Lastly, my roles as a participant in a strange or HABITUAL way gives me insight on my subconscious reaction that differ from my mundane pedestrian actions.

The DREAMS are what quite importantly significant to me!! The vividness and characterization of, usually total strangers with credible actions and personality is just the beginning. The location and the serial reappearance of the characters in cameo roles makes these dreams very intriguing to me for their more-than-holographic-fiction and their subtle to direct messaging to me.
 'IN THESE HARDENING TIMES..', wank-away!!

===================PART II========================

‘Dies Irae’ (Days of Wrath)


                                 More Elemental than specie progenitors of our nature

After doing the latest explanation of the coincidental association of the chaotic historical events that have occurred on my birthday, August 24th, and my behavior, as described by my high school physics teacher, '..., Wherever you are chaos reigns!'. I came to this self-realization. At the time I was flattered-to-amusement by that descriptive pejorative of myself. As I noted above in my repeated incidental explanations, which reviewed my prior days and years, it did reveal how my presence was seen by the various provincial, power-that-be of whatever status quo as a disruptive presence to the paradigms of their emotional order.
MAYBE there might be a connection in the seasonal historic moment between my feral nature and Mount Vesuvius inundating Hell-fire on Pompey [ ]
 , the sacking of Rome [ ] ,
the slaughter of the Huguenots [ ],
the burning of DC by the British in 1814 [ ]
 , and last but not all the 24 August calamities: the land-fall of Hurricane Andrew [ ], as it introduced the devastation of hurricane season.
More than just an outlier-of-culture or 'an enemy of the state', I am the personification of the uprooting, NOT the fulfillment as in scripture,
"John 15:25, King James Version: 25 But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.
My advent heralds the season of uprooting change of what-has-been for 'what-will-be'. As such, whatever temporal iterations of my character were the transient morphings of micro-historical circumstance operating in the foreground of mundane appearances, while the background subconscious and unconscious processes were gestating the self-realization to which I'm pronouncing here.
The end times have been dawning since the beginning of the 21st Century. You can say that 9-11-01 was the tangible and declarative statement of the end times for what has been called the "normal rule of order". All the asymmetry that has occurred you could call the "Heathen Uprising", aka 'Barbarians' storming the barricades-of-normalcy, under the guise of the authorized and, AS WELL, the unauthorized. —-----------------------
As humankind has set itself as detached and above the 'elemental order', the latter elemental-order has begun the retributions for all that has exceeded the margins of tolerance in the different expressions of feral, non-fabricated, elemental existence. The data validity, plus the moral authority of those given the fiduciary privilege of governance and its administration has eroded by the serious undermining actions of those holding those positions. Their deviance from any acceptable modulating from the core paradigms of elemental existence has brought down the havoc on all-both the innocent and the indictable.
 It's at this juncture that I entered this realm of human hubris on August 24th 1950. What and how that date would be identified in solar or galactic time would be interesting to know. Since that period of time, which coincidentally begins with the zodiac constellation [of ironically] 'Virgo', is at the transition of climates. Also, a new moon in Virgo occurs only at the end of August and in the beginning of September when both the Moon and Sun are in the Virgo zodiac sign. New Moon and Full Moon in Virgo make you aggressive in the search for perfection ….
 [ ].
Besides the noted aforementioned catastrophes, the Celtic Druid and so-named Seer, Merlyn of Arthurian legends was born under the Virgo New Moon.
What causes this? Climatology has been seriously studied only within the last 40 years. Historical records in the northern latitudes have shown a spike in not only the recent Geo-atmospherics, but human compulsiveness during the last week of August and the first week of September [Nazi Germany invades Poland 9/1/1939]. I'd posit that the release of energy with the more increasing arctic regions cooler temperatures-before 'global warming'-allowed for the release of energy that had been sequestered during the warming months of May-June-July, peaking in the early August 'Dog Days'.
I and others born, CIRCA 22 August and the 11TH of September were affected not only by the greater energy release, but also the 'New Moon Effects'-
When the moon is new, it’s most nearly between the Earth and sun for any particular month. It’s rising and setting when the sun does and the moon is traveling across the sky with the sun during the day. Because it is near the sun its shadowed side points toward Earth, and hence it is invisible, except when it crosses the face of the sun in a solar eclipse [ ] -(Moon is there but not seen, except in the event of an eclipse: an unseen presence until circumstance compelled it). —-------------------------------
An interesting side-note: those born between 22 August and 11 September were conceived, probably, in the 20th of November and the 11th of December when energy storage was being increased. By the end of our gestation we'd have a comparatively greater degree of energy stored in us-hypothetically. —--------------------------- As one of that trimester late-November to late-August cadre, we are in close synchronization with the climatic elements.
Our temperaments, subconsciously and mostly unconsciously-until introspection gives us the insight to these connections, can be the anthropomorphic latter-day representation of those historical and climactic events. Being conduits, vectors, and portals that express the excess energy of the time would explain why we exist beyond the conventions of the present order and its status quo matrix.