OUR INNER-CHILD WILL LEAD US-Reverencing our individual souls
You wrote: Hello hi I've read all your masturbation information and I totally get it.. So what about this? There's an older lady here that does it and she claims that within 2-hours with her touching kissing and masturbation that I'll have the biggest explosive orgasm ever, and mine are already super intensely edgy. Is that true?
What you think?
Most definitely!
You may have noticed the physiological beneficial effects, such as bowel evacuation, urination, (immediate subsequent sneezing?), and graphically intense, surreal dreams-besides the conscious relaxation.
For the physical system health, the shitting and pissing gets rid of the physical waste from piling up in you. The sneezing is an idiosyncrasy I've been having for 40+ years an its now, after prostate surgeries, the indication of intensity my former stronger ejaculations gave me.
Another thing, when I was more socially invested than my present misanthropic anti-social ways, the intensity of focus I may have n a person whom I know and am jacking-off to seems to have that person more aware of my presence and demeanor around them, even if its a transactional, benign, neutral perfunctory act. Also, person can be independently solicitous and sensually suggestive-as if she knew what's on my mind.
Lastly, my roles as a participant in a strange or HABITUAL way gives me insight on my subconscious reaction that differ from my mundane pedestrian actions.
The DREAMS are what quite importantly significant to me!! The vividness and characterization of, usually total strangers with credible actions and personality is just the beginning. The location and the serial reappearance of the characters in cameo roles makes these dreams very intriguing to me for their more-than-holographic-fiction and their subtle to direct messaging to me.
===================PART II========================
‘Dies Irae’ (Days of Wrath)
More Elemental than specie progenitors of our nature
After doing the latest explanation of the coincidental association of the chaotic historical events that have occurred on my birthday, August 24th, and my behavior, as described by my high school physics teacher, '..., Wherever you are chaos reigns!'. I came to this self-realization. At the time I was flattered-to-amusement by that descriptive pejorative of myself. As I noted above in my repeated incidental explanations, which reviewed my prior days and years, it did reveal how my presence was seen by the various provincial, power-that-be of whatever status quo as a disruptive presence to the paradigms of their emotional order.
MAYBE there might be a connection in the seasonal historic moment between my feral nature and Mount Vesuvius inundating Hell-fire on Pompey [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dnBAHVPB4rY/maxresdefault.jpg ]
, the sacking of Rome [https://cdn.britannica.com/48/132748-050-41851CA7/Alaric-illustration-Athens.jpg ] ,
the slaughter of the Huguenots [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/40/La_masacre_de_San_Bartolom%C3%A9%2C_por_Fran%C3%A7ois_Dubois.jpg/1200px-La_masacre_de_San_Bartolom%C3%A9%2C_por_Fran%C3%A7ois_Dubois.jpg ],
the burning of DC by the British in 1814 [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9c/British_Burning_Washington.jpg ]
, and last but not all the 24 August calamities: the land-fall of Hurricane Andrew [https://noaanhc.files.wordpress.com/2017/08/ir-image-of-andrew-at-landfall-aug-24-1992.gif ], as it introduced the devastation of hurricane season.
More than just an outlier-of-culture or 'an enemy of the state', I am the personification of the uprooting, NOT the fulfillment as in scripture,
"John 15:25, King James Version: 25 But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.
My advent heralds the season of uprooting change of what-has-been for 'what-will-be'. As such, whatever temporal iterations of my character were the transient morphings of micro-historical circumstance operating in the foreground of mundane appearances, while the background subconscious and unconscious processes were gestating the self-realization to which I'm pronouncing here.
The end times have been dawning since the beginning of the 21st Century. You can say that 9-11-01 was the tangible and declarative statement of the end times for what has been called the "normal rule of order". All the asymmetry that has occurred you could call the "Heathen Uprising", aka 'Barbarians' storming the barricades-of-normalcy, under the guise of the authorized and, AS WELL, the unauthorized. —-----------------------
As humankind has set itself as detached and above the 'elemental order', the latter elemental-order has begun the retributions for all that has exceeded the margins of tolerance in the different expressions of feral, non-fabricated, elemental existence. The data validity, plus the moral authority of those given the fiduciary privilege of governance and its administration has eroded by the serious undermining actions of those holding those positions. Their deviance from any acceptable modulating from the core paradigms of elemental existence has brought down the havoc on all-both the innocent and the indictable.
It's at this juncture that I entered this realm of human hubris on August 24th 1950. What and how that date would be identified in solar or galactic time would be interesting to know. Since that period of time, which coincidentally begins with the zodiac constellation [of ironically] 'Virgo', is at the transition of climates. Also, a new moon in Virgo occurs only at the end of August and in the beginning of September when both the Moon and Sun are in the Virgo zodiac sign. New Moon and Full Moon in Virgo make you aggressive in the search for perfection ….
[https://lunaf.com/astrology/moon-in-zodiac/virgo/ ].
Besides the noted aforementioned catastrophes, the Celtic Druid and so-named Seer, Merlyn of Arthurian legends was born under the Virgo New Moon.
What causes this? Climatology has been seriously studied only within the last 40 years. Historical records in the northern latitudes have shown a spike in not only the recent Geo-atmospherics, but human compulsiveness during the last week of August and the first week of September [Nazi Germany invades Poland 9/1/1939]. I'd posit that the release of energy with the more increasing arctic regions cooler temperatures-before 'global warming'-allowed for the release of energy that had been sequestered during the warming months of May-June-July, peaking in the early August 'Dog Days'.
I and others born, CIRCA 22 August and the 11TH of September were affected not only by the greater energy release, but also the 'New Moon Effects'-
When the moon is new, it’s most nearly between the Earth and sun for any particular month. It’s rising and setting when the sun does and the moon is traveling across the sky with the sun during the day. Because it is near the sun its shadowed side points toward Earth, and hence it is invisible, except when it crosses the face of the sun in a solar eclipse [https://earthsky.org/moon-phases/new-moon/ ] -(Moon is there but not seen, except in the event of an eclipse: an unseen presence until circumstance compelled it). —-------------------------------
An interesting side-note: those born between 22 August and 11 September were conceived, probably, in the 20th of November and the 11th of December when energy storage was being increased. By the end of our gestation we'd have a comparatively greater degree of energy stored in us-hypothetically. —--------------------------- As one of that trimester late-November to late-August cadre, we are in close synchronization with the climatic elements.
Our temperaments, subconsciously and mostly unconsciously-until introspection gives us the insight to these connections, can be the anthropomorphic latter-day representation of those historical and climactic events. Being conduits, vectors, and portals that express the excess energy of the time would explain why we exist beyond the conventions of the present order and its status quo matrix.