Qualifications of such a
'benign serendipity'
Even *AFTER the Crab escapes* , the speculations of whether your new renaissance of demeanor get its effectiveness from the quality or the quantity of energy. It's could be a resonance of congruence and harmony of vibratory frequencies. A vibratory energy that's so intensely acute and profound in its upper or lower pitch, that its radiational waves from the person are a catalyst of impactful impressions on other proximal and weaker bonded forms.
My own anecdotal experience with serendipity and related synchronicities happened whenever I was in an intense emotional state. Those experiences were chronologically associated with those states. It wasn't necessary that I was ethically or morally or relatively right prior to those events. The affected, relevant persons, other than I, did not receive necessarily favorable outcomes. Besides the times of my own karmic comeuppance, I had very favorable fortuitous outcomes, despite any less than meritorious qualification for such beneficence. Having ruled out any special existential status for such received favorable outcomes, I've come to the conclusion that it was more due to my acute, emotional intensity.
If you would imagine a sphere representing the volume of untapped potential energy and we being the infinite number of points on that sphere. If any point had an upsurge (or down surge!) of energy so acute, their gain or loss of that energy would create a spike or crater on the topography of this sphere of infinite points on its surface. That distortion in the sphere's topography would be the karma of serendipity or comeuppance manifesting itself on the person/entity and their environs. That's how I perceive (my) serendipity: a distortion of the space/time continuum due to the surge of intense radiated waves of energy emanating from my emotions.
Taking a broader view than the possible, mundane leveraged advantages that could be individually had, there's the inference that every entity of existence has within its structure the capacity to be the re-organizer of the three dimensional cognitive field structure. We are as much cognitive paradigm creators, as we are fungible cogs for others. As 're-organizers of the three dimensional cognitive field structure', we are still fungible cogs, though unique in our structural and operational manifestation, but for para/ultra-normal dimensions than our conscious, temporal, and chronological dimension.
I assert this, since the ends of the serendipities though leveraging our opportunities in these portals of fortuity were not on my 'not in mind' prior to their occurrence. It's a dimensional expansion for us by its intellectual ramifications for a new appreciation. That dimension is the product of the the emotional outcropping's engagement and intervention beyond the envelope of our prior matrix universe of thoughts and logic. These dimensions in their temporal form and surreal, fortuitous content give implications of alternative realities of individual guidance. If that individual guidance replicates and compounds itself into multiple individuals/entity networks, then a paradigm transitioning from the present tangible kinetics of activity to offerings of meta-emotional intensity would make the saying, 'It's nothing but a word (for it to happen)' would be more than bravado rhetoric.
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