Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Networks of transactionality

Networks of transactionality of feasible necessities
Full pictorial text-

 What we think ideally or utopian is moot to how we are bound in incidental feasibility to necessity.
Very much as the diagram above depicts, whatever juxtapositional position of fate in which we find ourselves determines the opportunities (or limitations) of what we could do with those proximal to us, literally in space, and figuratively, in a time-concurrence [restricting myself to vernacular jargon is killing me!-Ed.]. Our abstract aesthetics, meant more for our own artistic speculations or practical mental gymnastics to resolve an immediate issue are irrelevant for the moment to moment incidental practicalities in which we act.

I can think someone is an asshole or full of shit, and think-to-believe that any who has sympathy for those views repugnant to me are on an equivalent level. YET, short of seeing someone in attire that is that repugnant to me, plus they in a non-emergent situation, demonstrating abusive behavior to me, there would be the dimensions in which I would share my time and knowledge (How to field strip an AR-15) with them in situations of mutual need between us or some gratuitous altruistic act by me done proactively and solicited to render aid and assistance to them.

Of course, this mindset runs counter to the purposes used on this and other public discussion forums. AND TO BE HONEST, it's not beneath me to intentionally mental masturbate directly or indirectly on someone's sense of order and propriety with my expressions. At least I will be aware of my gratuitous micro and macro aggressions, than get into ego-armor when someone responds with what I see as an unjustified aggression to my exhibition of a primal rant..

To a better idea and vision of transactionality...


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