From my posts you have observed me using those themes which evoke empathy and sympathy, as in this video , or , in another direction, posts that inspire you to a visceral arousal . The
latter spurs you to action in a nearly involuntary reach into your
pants, while the former stirs your emotions to thought (draining
thoughts of what you would or want to do).
In My NOT Humble Opinion (IMNHO),
both serve a purpose with different effects on your vitality; though
both can be motivational. The one with the seemingly 'rough' arrest of
the black man appeals to both your emotion and a feeling of
powerlessness in not being able to do anything besides having that
emotional evocation. The one at the link, if it doesn't emote a
scandalized sense from you, it would have you seeking a a peak physiological experience through auto-eroticism (masturbation).
a believer in thinking globally, by way of the affected emotions, but
acting locally (IF NOT PROXIMALLY!). If you are so emotionally moved,
then you can and should begin to make plans on how you can resolve,
positively, those stirred feelings. I would add the caveat, that just
throwing-in-donations-or-money at the problem is IMNHO a cop-out for
just feeling good and moving on, than making an ongoing physical
commitment of an investment [though some activities are so compelling,
but remote from you that 'donating' would seem to be the only feasible
option to do].
the 'other hand', figuratively and literally, a masturbatory,
auto-erotic response could take you to a new resolution of consciousness
by the realization of the atmospherics that come from that peak
dimension of vitality achieved in your climactic (orgasmic) experience.
From learning that such immediate gratification can involve other
actions, also, besides the erotic; you will begin to be more discerning
of your every moment thinking and awareness of how you expend or
conserve your physiological energy and its assets for things that you
may effect and not just ruminate and emote upon them as a pointless
Nickels (0.05 USD) or dimes (0.10 USD) me for your inquiries or special request on similar themes..-->