Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Our Mind: the self-fabricating tool-Corollary: Tools of our figurative and literal self-making

The WHAT, the HOW, and the WHY (not exactly in that sequence) are the tools that make the tools that make our conscious and subconscious intent. From objects we handle in our hands or ingest into our mind, to manipulating their physical-qualitative essence; those are also sculpting our own psyche. As was said about some quantum experiments that the tester becomes a variable of the test, itself; that is the effect of our mind's interacting.

The good part is that it can be more than some self-formed by circumstance play-dough. It can (or should I say speculatively-could be) its own CREATOR, than needing the intermediate Creator to be the Genesis-whether literal-secular-agnostic-or atheist. The dimensions and realms we could choose to build from the tools of our own meaning of symbols that we CONCEIVE from our spontaneous coitus from our inspired and aroused vitality of our own joy of daring to do will be the inseminating thrust of manifesting our future into the present so that there would be the committed obligation to that which we had a hand and a role in its conception.