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Sunday, December 31, 2017
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Sins of Multiculturalism??
Sins of Multiculturalism??
Multiculturalism-the conscious acknowledgement of parallel to competing cultural
strains-has always existed, but was 'confined' or repressed to the ethnic communities
(ghettos). Only the latter-day semi-diaspora from the ghettos and the cultural contrast
in discernment of the emigres from the ghettos, plus their new, formerly mostly
homogeneous host-neighbors created the de facto schisms that have now become
secularized in institutions and politics.
This is a result of liberated minds and the re-formation (though I dare say 'reformation')
of the cultural narrative and its emphasis of agreed commonality, of which the many
sides now find schisms of differences.
'Do the trains run as smoothly on time' as before? No. But we're talking about an
organism, even if it's a social organism, and not some programmed machine of
efficiency. As was said for eternity, "...It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated
here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly
advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us...".
We, the People-this Nation, are not some cog for a certain designed end, but much like
a never-ending work in the process of History.. The karmic retributions of imbalances
and inequities of the past do catch up with fabricated narratives of the winners of the
Much as the antebellum period was one of great social antagonisms and disaffections,
so it is justly-on both sides today. To seek to claim a universal or absolute standard
during this gestative period would be akin to naming the gender of the fetus before it
has reached that point in the process.
Discounting the entrenched views and relying on the practical necessity for cooperation
in the minutiae of the mundane to accomplish the essential acts, I foresee as an ultimate,
long term, cultural end that will bring about the politics of a centrifuged consensus,
if not unity, for no other reason that more existential threats and dangers from men
and nature which will require it---THE PROPHET
Monday, December 18, 2017
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
A level of Comunality
People exist for some communal connection. Whether it is with:
Objectivist and others who think in terms of assets totally miss what incentivizes and motivates people’s needs for being..
What is an Extra-Terrestrial alignment?
What is an Extra-Terrestrial alignment?
Friday, December 1, 2017
Speak to me in that tone of voice!
Speak to me in that tone of voice!
Have you noticed, maybe, that some of the most inspiring expressions had a quality of pitch that stirred your soul? This includes non-verbal instrumentals such as Coltrane at the Newport RI Jazz festival doing ‘My favorite Things’ or Santana at Woodstock doing ‘Soul Sacrifice’. And the verbal utterances which had a ring of validity that was of a resonating timber to the depths of your being..
I believe it is the animistic spirit of the Logos, whose energy drives all be-ing of space and time, as it’s channeling through the entities of this and any other dimension providing us the interlocution of its articulation of its essence in the raw vitality of the tones which reverberate in our bodies and mind. This animism, whether as a prayer or a laugh, allows us to identify for ourselves the magnificent joy of the majesty of ‘the being’ in the moment. We call that presence from everything sacred to a horrifying curse. Yet..It is the energy and vitality-incarnated, as the sign and symbol of that intangible, sublime presence to which we give divinical glory in our worship and pursuit to achieve an imitation of its sublimity in our performance of comprehension of it.
It is the meaning, the purpose, and the motivation for the ends of our contentment, satisfaction, or satiation. It is the juice and the nectar that is the sweetness of our life’s appetite. It is the object of our life’s devotion to being. And as the affirming phenomena of being exquisitely alive, It is that quality of energy and matter that is the blessed grace and answer for even the most profane of prayers..
Life's a Battlefield between the balance of those of Mental and Physical energy
Life's a Battlefield between the balance
of those of Mental and Physical energy
For those lost in body and soul, there is the balanced between physical kinetic energy and mental kinetic energy as a therapy to such a pathology. Being able to have the right ratio of mental versus physical energy will determine if you can thrive in this no-boundaries struggle of materialistic self-aggrandization.
The Earth is affected in the seasonal tilt of its axis in ways that determine what is more favorable energy distribution and utilization in the moment. The seasonal energy manifestations comes in trimester periods that imitate the 360 degree cycles of a sine or cosine curve, depending on whether your birthplace was in the southern or northern hemisphere. Let’s say that the quartile periods in the northern hemisphere are April 24th for the Earth Awakening, August 24th for the beginning of the harvest, December 24th for the Earth somnambulance, -approximately a 120 degree integral. From late August to the solstice week in December, the northern hemisphere is going to grounding itself-literally and figuratively. From the December solstice until the Spring resurrection, the northern hemisphere is coming out of its internment. From the April resurrection to the late Summer when there is the ripening, there is the predominance of the atmosphere. Just as the movement of heat energy coming from the equator influences December through August, is the reassertion of the Earth as the warm dissipates into and past December until April.
Where we are born in that continuum determines if we are of the Earth (the physical energy) or of the Sky (the mental energy). If we are born in the physical periods, we need the mental energy balance during the physical periods, as the mental period birthings need to stress more physicality during those periods.
This has been lost during the period of estrangement-4000 B.C to the Present, just around 6000 years or approximately 360 generations. During this period of imbalance between the mental and the physical, marked by the calamities of either too much of either physicality or mentality with little moderating of either the needed physical or mental energy, human history has seen the horrific consequences of this imbalance. Right now Human history is in the hyper-mental period, where the prospective, abstract thought means more than the empirical physical limitations. We can not sustain ourselves past our physical and mental limitations. There will always be a greater kinetic force, and there will always be something beyond our empirically deducible imaginations to which we could not or should not aspire.
In the micro-realm of our knowledge (or lack of knowledge) of our own seasonal ratio of mental energy to physical energy, it has greatly influenced the distortions in which our lives exist. I will use my own birthdate, August 24th-not counting the solar cycle of the year I was born.
My birthday occurs at that point where the heat of the summer gives way to more cooler nights that extend their cooler temperatures into the day time, as the northern hemisphere begins its tilt toward the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. What is relevant to me is that the air (the mental) which had been predominating during my gestation, at my birth gives way to the northerly earth properties of my location of that time of year. Though my ontology was strongly influenced by the intangible qualities of the atmospherics, the quality influences of the hardening, cold earth were my greeters into this domain.
Yet I was born during the age of the cerebral energy-the mental kinetics. My parents, who were inhibited by the region of their birth for their physical capabilities, though both were born in the September-October period of increasing earthly conditions-3 to 9 and 2 to 10 of physicality-they had to stress the mental. It carried over in their training with me and my siblings. With me as a 4 to 8 physicality and in a more liberating, liberal environment, I could have been more physical than the seeming ‘8 to 4’ ratio they treated and trained me.
My latent physicality I kept me in touch, more, for my incidental needs than any conscientious effort on my part, in my earlier years. Having been roped into the military between the ages of 22 to 53, kept me obligated to some conscientious attention to my physicality and the processes for maintaining that physicality. After the 53rd year, the philosophy and purpose of being physical beyond the secular, military standards began to come to my awareness.
In attaining some homeostatic balance, I came to not only a spiritual insight, but a social position of cultural misanthropy. That misanthropy was from recognizing the cultural snares to my emotional and physical self-abuse in my default position of being a part of the trends. It is then that I perceived the metaphoric connection of ‘total warfare’ and the battle for existence, world wide, for people and other species from the aggrandizers. But people were generally accomplices and enablers of their own adverse circumstances by not existing in a homeostatic balance in their mental and physical energy.
Using my state as an example, I am a 4 month physical energy and an 8 month mental energy framework. From August to December four month period to have balance I should be reflective, first, before I act. From January to August, I can be more intuitively physical in my approach. On a graph, my mental utilization would be at a high in the last week of August. It would diminish until the last week of February [which coincidentally is also the time of the year when the first warm snap occurs in the mid-Atlantic latitudes]. From late February to late August, I’d be cultivating by physical engagement in the surrounding environment, and with what I had reflected on in the August to December period when I was in a more refrained ascetic and monastic detachment from non-essential physical kinetic proactivity. I’d be doing more proactive kinetic activity after December until late August at my birth anniversary, when I enter the reflective celebration of the harvest of knowledge from my kinetics of the prior eight months.
Unlike this protocol and paradigm, most people are unwittingly programmed to be herded to cyclical rituals of artificial functions, which at one time may have had a sacred, homeostatic meaning for their physical and mental ‘well-being’. They are individual and mass victims in a contra-physiological agenda of illusions and delusional behavior which makes them collateral damage in the temporal and secular, humanistic agendas, in which they are programmed to involuntarily exist.
Most think that by some physical, organized, kinetic arrangement they will achieve a resolution to the vexing and chronic issues of human existence. In fact, they are perpetuating the karmic cycle which is camouflaged in the external styles of the means of its expression, but little in the inner, general character essence of the human psyche. The brilliance of yesteryear, could be clothed in contemporary trappings and still have the same acceptance and fame that has made it timeless over the ages. It is those things that have timelessly sustained themselves that are very likely models and templates of the homeostatic balance between mental and physical energy application-in all seasons.
When you are attuned to the rhythms of your birth moment ratio of mental-to-physicality, you are more likely to refrain from many of the cultural inducements for compulsive physicality or mental obsessiveness. As it is, people have been led by the wrong signals for their body’s physiology, thus indirectly affecting their mind’s proper perspective. This is the root of the deprivations of disparities and imbalances we see in human culture.
The strength of unity we seek in humanistic temporal or spiritual realms is not achievable by association with external trappings, but with the repressed and now latent internals within us, of which we are mostly ignorant. It is an individual quest for finding the valid, defining network which associates us with the surrounding space and its times. Without this achievement we are potential victims and casualties of this adverse paradigm of logic we inhabit.
As actors in this adverse paradigm, we must deal with the discernment of our own unique algorithmic code of optimal energy-balanced efficiency, but we must recognize what IS the imperative social relationships and duties we have with other beings-tangible and intangible-in our surrounding environment.
No matter the genetic, social, ethnic, cultural, or national relation there is a transcendent order derived from the time of our birth, as I first prefaced on this post. Except for those random moments in which urgent actions are needed, we are limited (or bound) to the parameters that have constructed what we could potentially do in our energies in any particular space-of-time. As is written in the Bhagavad Gita’s chapter 18, verse 47
. When You are at your wits end, it is better to give yourself to what you can do physically, than to hyper-stress yourself on things beyond the conceivable for you. In the same way, when you have reached the limits of your physical vitality, it is better to give your body over to rest and let your psyche indirectly-to-directly provide you with the rejuvenation and motivation you need, in the direction you need to be focused.
As this applies to your interaction with people and the moments, there are people who on a classic battlefield, who would be triaged as such:
Extrapolating from these categories, it can be conjectured that on a psyche-basis, those in the immediate category could be those who’ve experienced a one-time traumatic event and can be helped with some form of therapy. The ‘delayed’, ‘minimal’, and ‘expectant’ categories would have their corresponding psychic injuries for which the actor could or couldn’t address successfully for the benefit of the victim in an efficient expenditure of energy on the actor’s part.
‘All lives matter’ to the extent that they ARE recoverable for what would be functionally more practical than the ‘unconditional love’ love of codependency and enablement, but would be more the unconditional passion for what can be feasibly accomplished for those who are less the victims of their own conscious and willful neglect for themselves, and more for those for whom external circumstances have not so damaged them for any usefulness and productiveness to themselves, and, hopefully, to others.
We are in a conflict of wills with others and our own shortcomings. If one can attain that energy balance for the times to be primarily kinetic to the times to be primarily reflective, then we can navigate through the metaphorical booby-traps, mindfields, and hostile or friendly fire that is the metaphysical reality of this hyper-materialistic, self-aggrandizing battlefield of diverse and divergent perceptions.
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