You feel it. I feel it. Yet, it's an abstraction of an alternate reality-something that is outside our normal routine and convenient practices. Even so, we feel it as palpably real as if our genitals were being massaged to arousal.
Once we realize that it's just a predisposed a response from a compelling to provocative external stimuli, we can get a grip on our mind and emotions-as well as our genitalia and hormones.
Just because there may not be an immediate direct response that is feasible to give to the respondee, for social and civil consequences, you still have a marker out there in your emotions and your mind of what can (and possibly, in a whimsical way, should) be foryou to experience in a celebration of carnal exhilaration of that knowledge.
Being time-travellers passing through a visceral moment, there is the impulse to extend or sustain that which has no practical relevancy for you beyond the intensity of that acute feeling your feel throughout your genitalia and the accompanying thoughts.
Good will for the nature of that stimuli, so when the opportune moment arrives you'll have an entire lexicon of terms to share with the evoker of those sentiments and fantasy musings.
The gaze of those eyes. The moist fullness of those parted lips. The iconic arousing curvature of that body of yours provide a presentation of transmitted intent to signal what emotionally and conceptually is stirring you to your motivations and aspirations.
As the outsider to your experience I can send the nonverbal signals of my body resonations to you. If not directly, then indirectly you'd be effected and affirmed to be more intensely that representation of that self-celebration of the beauty of yourself.